Originally posted by DonaldLL
Hi mougl
I am a newbie. I had the same questions. You're in the right place and doing the right thing by asking. I struggled with the "beginner" label whether
it was applied to the kite or to my skillset. I wound up buying 2 kites on day one. A 4m Beamer and a 2.4m Sting. So my "average" between the 2 kites
was the recommended 3 meters. I can say this in hindsight, knowing what I know now, IF (a big IF) I was purchasing only 1 kite it would be the 3m
Beamer. I think a sensible beginner can handle a 4m kite but you don't get to fly it as much as a 3m kite. What we need as beginners is flying time
otherwise known as practice. And IF (another big IF) I was thinking of jumping as a newbie on my first kite, I'd forget that idea for now. You can
look throughout this forum (I did) and find many many threads on the perils of being a 'jumping newbie'. There seems to be certain combinations of
words that just don't go together for beginners.
1st kite = 5.6m
1st kite = lifty
newbie = jump
jump = safe
etc etc
I am curious to see what you think of that 4m Twister in sustained 13-15mph. I am 185lbs and I'd love to try it but I don't think I'd run out and buy
a 5.6m Twister for my first kite..... unless of course I could rationalize it by buying a 3m kite at the same time :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy: