elfasa - 13-5-2009 at 03:33 PM
so im going to get my first proper 4 like power kite. im going to get a peter lynn pepper 3.5m hopefully.
i was just wondering, is this to big for my first kite to have ?
im around 14 stone, and about 6 foot (over weight, i know :P )
i live near the coast on england, so ill probably be flying in varying winds, but they can get up to 20-25 mph. avaraging 10-15 mph i guess.
thanks for your help guys
SCREWYFITS - 13-5-2009 at 04:24 PM
Perfect size, great choice... PL's are fantastic kites and fly really well for someone starting also...
My advice is to start in the lower wind range (10-12) as the higher they get this kite will be a full blown hand full till your skills improve enough
to man handle it back...
Good luck and fly safe...
Keep us updated on your progress, also come back for advice when you need it... Everyone here loves to help each other improve...
elfasa - 14-5-2009 at 01:38 AM
okay, that helps alot.
thanks and i will keep you updated
acampbell - 14-5-2009 at 05:10 AM
Screwy is right on. Some would argue that the Pepper was better than the Beamer for the same generation. Just keep it in light winds the first times
out. 8-10 mph is perfect and more is not necessary nor a good idea to show off its power. Later (much) you can take it over 20
elfasa - 14-5-2009 at 09:07 AM
okay. thanks a lot !