Power Kite Forum

kite back straps...

elfasa - 14-5-2009 at 02:11 PM

im looking for a cheap or a cheap alternative but good harness out of interest.

i stumbled across a "back strap"

what do people know/think about these


i assume you cant use these with control bars..


Kamikuza - 14-5-2009 at 05:04 PM

I've got a very simple version of that and I like it - loads the kite nicely even in low winds ... I seem to lose a lot of power if I just use my arms :megan:
I reckon you could use it with kite killers too. I've had to bail out once and the Reb went floating down the field with me chasing after it :lol:
And no to the bar ...

lad - 14-5-2009 at 05:19 PM

I think I read someone didn't recommend it because you have to bend over quickly to dump the kite and it can get caught on something.

arkay - 14-5-2009 at 05:36 PM

It looks like this device basically make the backstrap into a strop and you the harness :) Might wreck a shirt or two.

My first thought was that it looks dangerous. I can't imagine using this on a buggy or board. But for static flying, i guess it slightly safer than a strop since there is some sort of bail-out mechanism; I can't call it a safety mechanism. But certainly not as safe as kite killers.

Why are you looking for a harness replacement? Physical reason? To fly longer? For static or buggy/board use? Just wondering why not a harness.

Kamikuza - 14-5-2009 at 06:18 PM

Dunno about a buggy, but all you have to do is shrug and lift your elbows ... YMMV :)
And like I said, the kite holds a lot more power than just holding in the hands :puzzled:

... suppose I could make a movie, if y'all promise not to laugh :D

elfasa - 14-5-2009 at 11:59 PM

Originally posted by arkay
Why are you looking for a harness replacement? Physical reason? To fly longer? For static or buggy/board use? Just wondering why not a harness.

mainly because it seems that to get a decent harness it costs around the £60+, and thats £60+ that i dont have.

ive also read that harnesses restrict your movement when flying.

could you reccommend a good quality cheap/budget harnesss ?

thanks, tim