Power Kite Forum

compare 4m Beamer IV and 3m Crossfire II - see Skynut's post

DonaldLL - 16-5-2009 at 10:00 PM

I didn't want to hijack Sky nut's thread so I started a separate post. Skynut says he was going to get a 4m Beamer IV for his first kite but his wife 'gifted' a 3m Crossfire II. This comparison is of interest to me because I was thinking which kite might be next (see quiver below). I was thinking about the next kite being a more agressive kite to fit in that 3m slot that's is currently open. My post is a little premature but since the topic is fresh on the board now my curiosity is raised.

Would you think that a 3m Crossfire would be "more" to handle than a 4m Beamer? I know the Beamer is a very 'easy' kite, i.e. a beginner kite but would a kite like a Crossfire that is 25% smaller be more difficult to handle than my 4m Beamer?

On the other hand, if/when I go for that next step should I be thinking of a 3m kite or something bigger than my 4m kite...say something like BeamerBob's 5m Crossfire II?


Superdog - 17-5-2009 at 03:15 AM

In my opinion i would get something bigger, you have a good amount of the lower spectrum covered, may aswell get something for lower wind days. Unless money is no object of course?

Unfortunately the south coast of the UK is being hit with a really messy weatherfront at the moment so havent been able to fly my 7m properly yet :no:, but when the winds die off in summer (as i have heard is the case), I will be glad I got something a bit bigger :)

acampbell - 17-5-2009 at 05:04 AM

The Crossfire will power on more aggressively and have a lot more lift. It has a ground-adjustable bridle with low-lift setting that takes the grunt out and speeds the kite but it is touchy, requiring mastery of the brakes to keep it behaving. Donald you can borrow my Crossfire II 5m if you like.

tridude - 17-5-2009 at 06:43 AM

my first kite was a Beamer 2 3.6.....within 2 weeks I was on a 5m Crossfire........6 weeks after that a Bego 600...............The Crossy does require brake input at the edge but a damn nice kite. When I got it wrong on the Crossy I always went back to the Beamer for corrections..................great combo for me when I first got started...............................

BeamerBob - 17-5-2009 at 06:56 AM

The issue is the small Crossfire. The power is more explosive with the small size because the kite moves so fast through the sky. This effect diminishes with a kite as large as the 5m and then you can enjoy the power a little more.

DAKITEZ - 17-5-2009 at 07:29 AM

I would say go bigger also. The 5m would be a good size. The crossfire II is a lifty kite as you know, so you will want to jump with it. Even if you don't think you will want to start jumping you will ... its just natural ;) This being the case the 3m will be too small for this to give you any kind of floating landing.