Power Kite Forum

thinking about a new kite any ideas?

ardrouin - 16-5-2009 at 10:10 PM

i have a beamer iii 3 meter and i want something a bit smlaler for those insanly windy days. i am getting a little tired of being picked up and thrown down when a gust of wind comes lol. i was thinking of a 2 meter rush

bobalooie57 - 17-5-2009 at 05:20 AM

Hey A, I just recently picked up a 2m Beamer IV, and I'm very happy with it. Very fast thru the window, and have had it out in winds gusting over 20 with no fears of getting tossed. ( I did enjoy a few short scuds, though, I weigh about 190#)B57
[edit] This am winds were steady 15, gusting to 30, and the 2m Beamer will definitely get your heart pounding!(Well it did mine anyway!)

acampbell - 17-5-2009 at 06:14 AM

Remember the Rush and other 2-line are sized by span, not area, so that 2m Rush will be about 1.4 - 1.6 in actual area.
I too was going to suggest the 2m Beamer or Sting 1.7m.

My Sting 1.7 I can safely hand to little kids in a light breeze to moderate wind and In high winds an adult can have a blast with it.

DAKITEZ - 17-5-2009 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
Remember the Rush and other 2-line are sized by span, not area, so that 2m Rush will be about 1.4 - 1.6 in actual area.
I too was going to suggest the 2m Beamer or Sting 1.7m.

My Sting 1.7 I can safely hand to little kids in a light breeze to moderate wind and In high winds an adult can have a blast with it.

Very well said ... I will just add the 1.5m or 2m Peter Lynn Hornet to this list.

bigben91682 - 17-5-2009 at 11:49 AM

I've got a beamer III 1.4m and it's a lot of fun in super high winds. F-A-S-T!

I've had it pulling me in the buggy in 30 gusting 45, and I was having a boatload of fun. Bear in mind that I'm a sizable fella...6'3" 270#. In lighter winds (20-25 haha - light wind for this kite) the pull is reasonable and the speed really makes it a ton of fun to fly. The low range isn't bad either. It's a good 4 liner to hand to novices and let them give it a shot in reasonable winds.

johnnylaing - 17-5-2009 at 01:48 PM

What about 2.5 blurr? I was thinking of one of those for when I can't hold the 3.5 blurr