Hi im a skydiver and my canopy is at the end of its life. My question is, has anyone got experience with converting a ram air canopy into a kite? Any
advice would be much appreciated.
Maxtedsfoils - 18-5-2009 at 06:54 AM
As a former skydiver and Master parachute rigger I can tell you it does not work well. If the canopy is a small new type with z-po cloth and not made
with f-111 cloth they will work a little better but you still have the problem of a heavy canopy built for opening shock.Kamikuza - 18-5-2009 at 07:03 AM
You could, unlike a regular kite, jump off the roof of the house though :Dmx19 - 18-5-2009 at 07:07 AM
Cheers ted thats what i was thinking, guess ill just have to come up with another use for it.
Kamikuza i like the idea but might take a rain check on that one .
Cheersindigo_wolf - 18-5-2009 at 09:48 AM
Originally posted by mx19
Cheers ted thats what i was thinking, guess ill just have to come up with another use for it.
Buggy Brake :wee:
Sorry.... still waiting for the coffeee to kick in.
Samnwsurfwakeskate - 18-5-2009 at 11:10 AM
use it for speed gliding Kamikuza - 18-5-2009 at 09:35 PM
Rain check? Sure, just don't fly it in a hail storm :laugh:csa_deadon - 19-5-2009 at 12:13 AM
Lets see if I get flamed for this. lol
Being a former crew member for Catch the Winds Kites in Oregon I can honestly say yes you can convert an old jump chute into a single line lifter. We
used to purchase "retired" jump canopies and convert them for use as a lifter for our 90 foot spin socks. It's not a easy project for sure. It took
us approx 3 days of test flights to get the "kite" tuned as a lifter. Now with that said it did not always work out. If the chute was stretched to
far out of shape due to opening shock there was now way to tune it, so it would fly.
We only convert chutes that were 180 to 220 sq feet. Thing to keep in mind is these canopies when converted have a tremendous amount of pull. In
10-15 mph winds they can lift 2-3 90 foot spin socks that have 12-15 foot openings. Tuning one of the beasts is time consuming with a three man crew
and not to be tried by only one person.
It can be done, just be safe. mx19 - 26-5-2009 at 08:21 AM
Ok well I tried it and it was alot of fun, it had loads of pull but wasnt overly controllable, think of a boat in the sky lol.
Going to try it next with 4 lines and some decent lines as we were using old building rope :o
Does anyone have any opinions on how to speed up the turns? I was thinking disconnecting some of the centre lines so there is more pull on the outside
edges iof the canopy?csa_deadon - 26-5-2009 at 05:40 PM
One question. Did you release the steering lines from the canopy risers? You may find that it flies better with the steering lines just flapping in
the wind. As far as a four line, We never tries that back in the hayday of CTW (84-88)
We did convert a 220 to fly as a stunt chute. We were using 1000# kevlar lines back then with halos as handles.
Be prepared for some serious scudding. I wouldn't recommend flying in anything over a 5 or 6 mph wind.
(EDIT) As far as disconnecting the center lines, I would think that would cause the chute to become "out of shape" ! Thing to remember is this is a
large canopy and bigger equals slower.mx19 - 27-5-2009 at 10:04 AM
Well it wasnt attached to risers but i did connect the steering lines to the rope. maybe i will try with them flapping in the wind aswell.
we flew it in quite high winds and it was very powerful thats why i thought about using 4 lines with the steering lines to depower it when needed?
I think your right about it becoming out of shape. Fyi it is a 170 and i have a 135 on the way that i may try and set up aswell. Also think i will get
hold of some decent line to use.csa_deadon - 27-5-2009 at 12:31 PM
Get some pics. Would love to see what you have done. Another tip. Get some 1/4 inch dowel, and cut it into 1-1.5 inch lengths. If the foil is
listing you can go to the opposite side rear bridal and make a slip knot. Insert the dowel into the loop of the slip knot and pull everything tight
against the dowel. Makes approx 1/2 inch adjustment in that line. This should straighten the foil up some. You may have to make multiple
adjustments like that.
Just FYI for ya. We have a 180 Jalbert (blue/green) we apply named Bertha. The story of this chute; 1300 jumps we were told, and she flew for us for
almost 15 years rock solid. She could haul 4 90 foot spinsocks in a 25mph wind. If you find a Jalbert that's retired and want a great lifter I would
get it. Stable, but will let you know who the boss truely is.mx19 - 27-5-2009 at 01:12 PM
Thanks for the advice will definately use it, as for getting picsi will try as soon as i can, but wont be using for a coupleof weeks as im recovering
from quite a severe concussion obtained at the weekend (night jumps gone awry!) and dont fancy being dragged around at the moment.
Is there anywhere you could reccomend to get the line you were talking about?csa_deadon - 27-5-2009 at 03:48 PM