Aike - 18-5-2009 at 05:37 PM
Hi everybody !
I m new to the forum, and i am not an english native speaker, so i m sorry if i make mistakes in english :)
A quick introduction of myself :
I ve been power kiting for 3 years now (jump kiting),
I am a light weight (60kg/132lbs) for 172cm(5.6 feet).
I am 24 years old.
I ve got a radsail pro 4,
I was using the handles for jump kiting
I started doing some Mountainboard last year with :
Radsail MKB Mountaiboard R1 :
Radsail Crossover Bar :
A mystic harness (cant remember the name of it)
I wanted to buy a new kite for both kiteskiing and mountain board, it seems that the 4mē radsail pro i ve got lacks power sometimes when i use the
I ve been skiing for 20 years and i m an advanced skier.
I dont want to "fly" like we can see in some impressive movies, i just want to enjoy beeing towed by the kite, and sometimes do some jumps thanks to
the kite.
I was thinking of simply buying a 6 or 7mē radsail, but in a way i feel like i would like to buy another brand...
What is your opinion ? :
Should i buy a 6 or 7 mē radsail pro ? (not really expensive and i like the feeling of my radsail 4mē)
Will i have problem with the bar i ve got if i buy for exemple an Ozone kite ?
Is the radsail pro kites even suited for kiteskiing ?
Will 6 or 7mē be enought for my weight ? (considering the jump i do with a 4mē i would say yes, but with the weight of all the ski equipement i d
rather ask for opinions..)
Thank you for your help, any advice is good to take !