Power Kite Forum

pansh ace 5m and hornet 3m

tennisllama - 18-5-2009 at 07:38 PM

Well today I got about two hours of flying in with my hornet and ace. I live in kansas btw. The hornet as far as I can tell being a newbie was that the hornet is very responsive compared to the pansh ace. The hornet is very easy and fun to fly and still has some good pull to it. The ace was a little more difficult to keep up in the air and I dont really know why. It was definitely much slower in turning. There was more lift I could tell that but I wasnt really able to turn the lift into a usable lift. Any suggestions since it being a bigger kite. I mean it was the first time I have flown it so I'm sure I will figure it out, but advice from the masters is always nice! Thanks in advance!

DAKITEZ - 18-5-2009 at 08:51 PM

What kind of winds were you flying in. I'm assuming they were pretty light or you would have definitely seen the lifty side of the ace come out.

Your description of the 2 kites flying characteristics pretty much nailed it. The Hornet will be very stable and a joy to fly. The ace will be a handful ... even as you become a better pilot. It will always want constant attention and if you slack off for a minute it will bite you. It would be a different story if you had clean coastal winds, but I don't think thats the case in Kansas. some people like the aggressiveness of the ace and others don't ... its personal preference. You will have to just find if it works for you or not.

tennisllama - 19-5-2009 at 05:58 PM

wind was from 12-17 mph and never constant

SCREWYFITS - 20-5-2009 at 08:31 PM

I sent an email your way about that Ace and the AOA mod... that should help out, if the wind was 12-17 that Ace should have been a huge handful, unless a line was tangled and then it would of just flown in circles or never inflated...
Hope the email gets you in the right direction... Call if you need help...

soccerflyer - 14-7-2009 at 02:11 PM

Hey Screwey,

Send me the same e-mail. I also have an Ace 5M and am trying to figure it out. I know that lots of practice will be the best. But any advice that could give me an edge would be great.

One thing I am experiencing is that when I do a pendulum jump - when I fall back to the ground the kite loses the wind and luffs.

I think I need to work on re-directing, but it is hard.

kitejumper - 14-7-2009 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by tennisllama
wind was from 12-17 mph and never constant

if youre ok with aggressive kites,as i am,the ace would be ok here.......dakitez post was right on--ace needs constant attention......

soccerflyer - 14-7-2009 at 02:36 PM

Ya, it flies totally different than my Blaze. Blaze is easy - very easy. The Ace is hard to even launch. Once I have it up it flies ok, but luffs very quick. I got it used and I wonder if the bridles should be adjusted. I don't know enough about that sort of detail to tweek it.

I think I will like it once I get used to it. I just need to figure out it's quirks. I hope to learn how to jump with it. I will keep flying it in light - medium winds till I get it down. Once I can jump and land easily then I will take it up a notch.

Wind is a little gustier here, but that is what I have to work with.

DAKITEZ - 14-7-2009 at 02:46 PM

try tying a knot about 3 inches closer to the handles on the power leaders of the handles. Do both sides equal and try the kite again. It sounds like maybe the brakes are too tight. The ace likes very loose brakes.

This is bringing back old memories .... this is why I stopped selling pansh. Adjustments and tweeks are a constant process.

soccerflyer - 14-7-2009 at 02:50 PM

Thanks dino. I actually already figured the brakes had to be let out. W A Y O U T ! ! ! ! ! !

Like take them off and leave them at home out. (not really) It flew better that way, but still not great - and now I have no brake input when flying.

Guess I should have saved up for something better huh? :dunno:

maybe if I get good at this one - Anything else will be easy!?!? :lol:

DAKITEZ - 14-7-2009 at 02:53 PM

yes .. I told alot of people that. If you can fly a ace well .... you will be great with any other kite. Especially if you fly in gusty conditions.

Get on the list for the twister II I'm passing and try a good kite :thumbup:

soccerflyer - 14-7-2009 at 03:04 PM

Man! Ok. I will do that. That would be sweet!!