Scroll down a bit to the EVO kite harness. I have one that is in good shape for $35 + shipping. Let me know what you think.acampbell - 22-5-2009 at 10:06 AM
We have been really happy with the Ozone Access XC Snowkite harness. Built like a climbing harness, it has no bulk down to get in the way of the
seat. Feels like you are buggying naked compared to regular harness, yet support is good. I had three at JIBE but not anymore because everyone who
tried it wanted it. Even sold my own while waiting for new stock.indigo_wolf - 22-5-2009 at 11:03 AM
Originally posted by acampbell
Feels like you are buggying naked compared to regular harness
Scary that there might be a frame of reference.... first the tub pictures... now this. :wow:
SamDrewculous - 3-6-2009 at 11:44 AM
Scary that there might be a frame of reference.... first the tub pictures... now this. :wow:
that was pretty funny haha... never tied one on in a bathtub myself...nhlrule56 - 3-6-2009 at 02:08 PM
I also give a hearty thumbs up on the Ozone AccessXC harness. My Dakine XT seat harness just sits in the trunk most of the time. You will have to
decide if the spreader bar or D-ring is best for you.bigben91682 - 3-6-2009 at 02:15 PM
+1 for the ozone access XC harness. It's the bee's kneesindigo_wolf - 3-6-2009 at 02:31 PM
Originally posted by nhlrule56
You will have to decide if the spreader bar or D-ring is best for you.
On the XC Harness, does anyone know if the Spreader Bar/D-Ring is an either/or proposition on can you "switch" hit with one Harness? Basically, if
you get the D-Ring, can you later use the spreader bar, if you buy it as an accessory/seperate purchase. Hard to tell from the pics and they don't
really go into it.
Hmmmm... is this a pathological fear of committment??? ... any psych majors out there?
Samacampbell - 3-6-2009 at 02:39 PM
No Sam, it's one or the other. The webbing at the front/ center is configured differently and the D-ring version does not have the padding that the
spreader bar has.elfasa - 3-6-2009 at 03:34 PM
is there any advantage to the d ring system apart from price ?
it looks like it could be very unsafe, with no way of releasing te kite if needs be.
opinions ?indigo_wolf - 3-6-2009 at 03:44 PM
Originally posted elfasa
is there any advantage to the d ring system apart from price ?
it looks like it could be very unsafe, with no way of releasing te kite if needs be.
opinions ?
I think it is mostly a personal preference thing.
You would release at the chicken loop (probably even easier with the Ozone's new Megatron chicken loop) or you can add a carabiner inline.
Most of this from a reply from Ozone that Angus forwarded me, because it was one of the questions ("Why the D Ring?") I was asking recently.
Samindigo_wolf - 3-6-2009 at 03:48 PM
Originally posted by acampbell
No Sam, it's one or the other. The webbing at the front/ center is configured differently and the D-ring version does not have the padding that the
spreader bar has.
Darn.... I will admit the D-Ring intrigues me. Would have been cool to switch hit and another (small) revenue stream for Ozone. I figured the spread
bar pad would just be a seperate piece (aren't the Dakines). Not an immediate thing.... Must ponder...
SamJovver - 3-6-2009 at 04:55 PM
+1 for the Ozone XC harness! I own a 2008 Mystic Force Shield harness and I liked it alot until I tried the Ozone XC. The seat harness is definitely
more secure, but it does limit your motion a bit. I tried bigben91682's XC with the spreader bar and pretty much fell in love with it. You don't
even realize you're wearing a harness, its so light and doesn't get in your way. I bought mine with a D ring, and honestly I like it better than the
spreader bar because the ring will rotate when the kite is up at zenith. With the bar on the other hand, the whole front padding wants to rotate when
the kite gets higher in the sky. On the other hand, it is kinda annoying undoing and resetting the chicken loop everytime something goes wrong and
you need to unhook from the D ring. Just my $.02indigo_wolf - 3-6-2009 at 05:32 PM
Thanks for that insight. It helps a lot.
Don't have much else to compare it to, but for now, the chicken loop on the on the Flow seems to be an easy reload. This opinion might change on the
72nd go around.
Sambigben91682 - 3-6-2009 at 06:08 PM
I think the D-ring with a carabiner would be a good solution, especially since it rotates (since the spreader bar doesn't). That way the loop can
come and go without using the QR. I think the only advantage to the hook is if you ride unhooked from time to time.
Another advantage of the D-ring, is you don't need a DD, which some find 'digs' in a bit in the buggy.nhlrule56 - 3-6-2009 at 08:11 PM
Let me share my experiences with the D-Ring and spreader bar; I have both types in my quiver. I fly a combination of fixed bridal with strops and
depower. My depower kites are Flexifoil and they do not have the fancy Megatron chicken loops. So connecting to the D-Ring on the chicken loops was
through a Wichard that I fastened to the D-Ring. Same concept as with the beaner, but with another quick release. This worked out pretty nice. Now
with the stop line and the D-Ring, I used a wichard/holt allan combo to get the quick release of the wichard and the pully of the HA. This setup
rocked for flying with strops.
Here is my problem. I am 6' and feel I have pretty long arms. The D-Ring seems to sit a little high and when you couple in either the beaner or
whatever hookup you use, it increases your reach...especially as the chicken loop stretched. I found myself reaching further than I want and it
wasn't very comfortable.
I picked up the spreader bar version and do not have the problems with the extra reach. It is was more comfortable to fly with. I have not had the
chance to try the harness with a Megatron loop. I have used both harnesses with scudding, buggying, and mountainboard. Imagine no bulk when setting
up and moving around. Its a fabulous thing. Bigben does make a good point with the DD. I have not found that the spreader pad or bar and gotten in
the way.
I have seen a thread where someone modified their D-Ring model and attached a spreader bar. But upon further reading and checking out the mod, I was
not about to unsew the webbing. So I bought the other model.
Sorry for the long winded post...but, if you are ever in the Sacramento, CA area you are more than welcome to try them both.elfasa - 4-6-2009 at 01:19 AM
thanks guys, your posts have helped a lot
timedk442 - 7-6-2009 at 04:47 PM
I have the D ring verison and love it to pieces, but am selling it (see for sale section) as i am getting a new Ocean Rodeo Session2
There is a mod to add a spreader bar. Not sure of the specifics, I don't think you have to undo stiching, but it involved cutting the ends off two
straps to allow them to feed through a bar pad.