leostief - 26-5-2009 at 11:15 AM
Hi, I'm looking for a board to use whith my HQ Beamer 5.0 and here in Brazil boards are realy expensive, I found a MBS Core16 but I only could see him
at internet so I donīt know if this is the right board for me, I'm 220lbs rider.
Can any one help me on this question ???
Thanks, Leo.
PHREERIDER - 26-5-2009 at 11:44 AM
yes i have the same board and started around 215lbs but now more like 195lbs. any way great starter smooth and stable can be made really loose to
start out on.
if you keep it dry it will last a long time. the truck bearings will fail and be crap if not keep tidy clean and well lubed and spin and move freely.
for a big guy, taller, with longer legs it perfect the swing for rotations is poor but that's another level
leostief - 27-5-2009 at 10:48 AM
Thanks Phreerider !!!
leostief - 28-5-2009 at 10:10 AM
Well, I'll buy the board, the guy sad he used about 3 times and did not like the sport, he sad that the board is almost new and for the price of US $
220,00 I don't think that I can find a better board around here. Now all I want is to get it and start pratice !!!!!!!!!!