Power Kite Forum

INFO on North's 16M TORO kites. before i try it.

madkiltkiter - 28-5-2009 at 02:32 AM

I was given a 16M TORO made by north,:wow:
how do they handle? :puzzled::puzzled:I landboard and
was thinking it might be a good low wind engine.:wee:
any thoughts and/or advice, or should I just
go try it?:tumble:

PHREERIDER - 28-5-2009 at 05:36 AM

in about 15mph youu're gonna have some fun should be super easy to jump with and a ton air.

BTW super powerful rig if you are a "rider" just go try it .

if you are just learning you're gonna get snatched and not just fall down... thrown down

big kite for land remember bones break and gravity kills

Bladerunner - 28-5-2009 at 06:41 AM

5 line ?

I had a 16m C-kite. ( Aero II ) It still needed a bit of wind to perform. It will have a VERY limited wind range on land. Be carefull!

kiteNH - 28-5-2009 at 06:51 AM

No one should go messing with a 16m tube kite who hasn't had lessons on how to use one. I also would question a 16m tube as being "low wind". I don't think you'll get good low end out of that kite and once it has enough wind to fly it will have a ton of power.

What do you fly now?

What low wind range are you trying to cover?

madkiltkiter - 28-5-2009 at 11:06 AM

thanks, I have about 9 months of fly time. with that said I know that don't mean much, some people
get 1 hour a month and some higher. I go out almost every day for about 3-4 hours on the beach.
I fly now 3M-6M ACE's:no:. 7M-12M Montana's:no:. 12M slingshot Diesel(I don't like):no:. 7M Naish AR3.5:bouncing::smilegrin: love this old school kite fast and predictable.
I'm looking to replace all my foil kites with inflatable's. and the main reason I can use them Land-Snow-water.
and better air time:wee::bouncy:

nwsurfwakeskate - 28-5-2009 at 03:54 PM

flysurfers work great for land snow and water and they have more lift and float then inflatables. not to mention they are self sufficient. I never need someone to launch or land me.

sorry just had to play devils advocate.

16m Toro will have a lot of power for land use. I used to have a 10m toro that I took out static flying a few times (4line) and it kicked my butt if it was windy out. even when it was barely enough wind to fly though it would still generate a lot of power. a very fun kite. possibly worth adding a 5th line too.

btw I see you're local, welcome to the forum! if you aren't already a member you should look at pskite.com as well. that's a great site for puget sound kiters.

madkiltkiter - 28-5-2009 at 09:42 PM

hears my idea,
it has allot of pull and lift , what if I use shorter lines as ripsessionkites posted, the pull and lift will be reduced and the kites speed will increase and so will the up wind ability. "{standard length for the water}---{short length for the land}---{mid length for snow} just keep tuning different lengths till I have it dialed in for the different uses that I want to use it for.
i know i'm :crazy:
i need to just go:Ange09:

PHREERIDER - 29-5-2009 at 06:29 AM

ultra short lines on a big kite like 10m lines on a 16m.... the turns and transitions are violently fast and jerky esp. on a c-kite ..for the water its doable and fun for the land you spend most of your effort smoking off power in the trans.

keep it high ...and be ready for ANYTHING power will be less but the 16 will cross the window in a BLINK like a giant cyclops on crack

done it a few times ...FEW that is , with probably too much wind anyway

the jerky parts may have produced psyche wounds... violent that's what i said