macboy - 5-6-2009 at 10:28 AM
Well, I was finally able to unpack the Psycho yesterday in some gusty shifty breezes. I'd be hard pressed to say we hit any more than 15km/h winds
(8kts) in the gusts and generally hovered around a 5 knot breeze, lulling to nothing as it shifted.
Despite this.......WOW! :o
I hot launched it after not being able to figure out for sure which way was fully trimmed in and which was fully let out (turns out it was fully
powered) and went for a nice unexpected 30 foot scud. Sorted out the trim strap, depowered it all the way and enjoyed getting to know it.
I must say I'm impressed. No autozenith and it did overfly a couple times with one bad bowtie but easily sorted (in those winds all bets are off on
most any kite). I do have to say, it was nice to launch this thing compared to the pucker moment launching the Peter Lynns. Not a convert by any means
- I know I'll love the PLs for their smooth gust handling and stability but I do believe I'll have some good times with the Psycho 3. Definitely felt
what they mean by the huge depower both at the bar and with the trimmer. I do believe there is "air on demand" installed on that bar ; ) Definitely
found my low wind toy for the days the V19 won't leave the ground. It's no Silver Arrow but it's close.
:puzzled: Now the question - at one point the wind shifted 90 degrees on me and the kite FULLY powered up. Something somewhere let go and I'm at a
loss to tell you what it was but suspect something with the chickenloop. The kite went to the 5th line (AMAZING!) and when I got to the bar everything
was intact. Any thoughts?
clintopher - 5-6-2009 at 12:48 PM
My guess is your CL shifted so that it wasn't completely engaged on the harness hook with all the shifty winds. That happened to me the other day
except I was on the water and I'd forgotten to hook up my safety leash...yeah, it sucked pretty bad.