Power Kite Forum

Rage 2 line power kite???

brushless - 9-6-2009 at 09:22 AM

I purchased a Rage 2 line power kite about 6 or 7 years ago and I can't remember who made it. I bought it from intothewind.com. Does anyone know who made this kite? I think it's mostly purple in color.

DAKITEZ - 9-6-2009 at 09:45 AM


brushless - 9-6-2009 at 09:49 AM

My kite is a triangular kite and not a powerfoil type.

DAKITEZ - 9-6-2009 at 09:50 AM

probably not flexifoil then

DAKITEZ - 9-6-2009 at 09:51 AM

have you asked into the wind?

brushless - 9-6-2009 at 10:07 AM

just did

Rage Daydream, but I can't find anything on the web about it.