Hi all, I'll introduce myself first.
My name is Marijn and I work as international sales rep. for Peter Lynn Products/Kiteboarding in Holland.
The last year or so I have been working to get Peter Lynn back on the market in the US.
I am well aware of the fact that PL has been a bit of an elusive brand the last 4 or 5 years.
But, change has come...
There are already some US shops that sell our stuff and they know a lot about what is going on with PL and what kind of products we now offer, but for
those questions that require direct feedback from us I thought it might be a good idea to join the Forum so I can do my best to give you guys the best
possible answers.
I realize this could get busy so forgive me if I can't answer right away
I will also post questions for you, and I would appreciate any feedback because your opinions can help us optimize our products.rudeboysaude - 10-6-2009 at 08:14 AM
Yo Marijn!
Glad to see you on the forums. You definatly could be a busy guy hounded with questions! People always appreciate a direct rep presence on forums
though and you're definatly the guy for the job!
Aaron.acampbell - 10-6-2009 at 08:18 AM
Marijn has been a great help in providing timely support for US dealers. Good on you Marijn for jumping in here; I'm sure it will be win-win for all.revpaul - 10-6-2009 at 08:19 AM
it's possible to keep abreast of new kite situation but PL buggies are a different story. I know of a new PL Race model and a PL composite axle.
What's the word on those two items?
PaulTodd - 10-6-2009 at 08:19 AM
Welcome to the forum!
*Off to go build my Christmas wish list of Peter Lynn products* BeamerBob - 10-6-2009 at 08:20 AM
Welcome to the forum Marijn,
Your insight will be a huge stride in the already increasing presence of PL products in the states. I am smitten with the arcs and also love my
reactors. We'll watch closely for answers to some long standing questions that have come up here.PHREERIDER - 10-6-2009 at 08:30 AM
change ...a beautiful constant indeed.
elusive no more.
welcomeDAKITEZ - 10-6-2009 at 09:24 AM
Marijn it is good to have you here. This forum will be very lucky to benefit from your knowledge kitejumper - 10-6-2009 at 11:12 AM
welcome Marijn......looking forward to your expertise......awindofchange - 10-6-2009 at 11:47 AM
Nice to see you on the forum Marijn.ripsessionkites - 10-6-2009 at 02:34 PM
Originally posted by revpaul
it's possible to keep abreast of new kite situation but PL buggies are a different story. I know of a new PL Race model and a PL composite axle.
What's the word on those two items?
and so it begins... =)
welcome to the forum, bro --- Yeehooowwwww!!!
send all messages to MJ now, not me ... i can go kiting again or sleep.Bladerunner - 10-6-2009 at 04:37 PM
welcome! :bigok:
This is one great Forum. I am sure everybody is glad You have joined the group.
I hope we get to see You and Gunnar at NABX again next year. :roll:DonaldLL - 10-6-2009 at 10:48 PM
Welcome aboard... I am getting ready to test drive a 5.6m PL twister II. It could very well be my next kite!-mj- - 11-6-2009 at 06:44 AM
Originally posted by revpaul
it's possible to keep abreast of new kite situation but PL buggies are a different story. I know of a new PL Race model and a PL composite axle.
What's the word on those two items?
Good questions right from the start, good stuff! The current models PL buggies are all from Holland but as some of you may know there is another
company (sort of a sister company) called the Peter Lynn Kitefactory operating out of New Zealand, besides the huge showkites they also build the
special parts like the composite axle and some other custom stuff.
But Peter Lynn Products (part of Vliegerop Bv.) does not have these parts in the assortment.mougl - 11-6-2009 at 10:20 AM
Welcome mj!
*brief hijack*
Donald...if ur going to test drive a 5.6 T2, be ready to buy one. That kite is AWESOME!SCREWYFITS - 11-6-2009 at 01:30 PM
I must say that I always felt that PKF was the best and know, It just got better!!!
Welcome -mj-!!!
I met Marijn in NABX, great guy and very knowledgeable, we are lucky to have you -mj-...
I'd also like to ad my opinion on PL kites, (mougl and Donald) yes, the Twister II is fantastic and I highly recommend it... "BUT", know what you are
looking for and fly as many PL's as you can get your hands on (you might find, you truly didn't understand what you wanted) and make a decision on
experience, let me explain, I bought a Hornet 3m (another fantastic kite) for NABX and then at NABX I flew a Vipor (6.8m I believe) and ended up
taking a Twister II 7.7m home with me, after a month or so, I ended up flying an array of PL kites and I was amazed at all the phenomenal kites that
they make (I ended up taking a Vipor 2.6m home and ordered a 5.3m that day) not a single one that I didn't like and appreciate for one reason or
another, they all seem to have there job in the kite world and do that job "VERY" well... my biggest surprise was just how much fun they are above and
beyond their respective duty as a kite...
So, my point here is that they have a kite for "everyone" (IMO) and flying all you can, you will end up with a kite that will give you Disneyland
days:wee:, and you will end up knowing what your next kite will be, and believe me, you will have a list of what you want after flying a hand full of
their line up...
I'm already chomping at the bit to try all the kites that I haven't yet and there a few that I'm expecting to be my cup of tea...:singing: I expect
that my quiver is going to continue to grow with the PL line of kites, I'm ecstatic with the PL kites and "NO" I'm not sponsored by Peter Lynn, so I'm
not biased (just look at my quiver), although... with all the a$$ kissing I just did, maybe they might entertain the thought it was worth a try :P :P...
DISCLAIMER: I truly was not a$$ kissing, this post is my personal experience and my personal
No joke, try them out!!!Bladerunner - 11-6-2009 at 04:56 PM
What is the word on the Synergy ?
I have heard that the Charger may or may not replace it ? in my case it will be replacing it , for sure !!!! :wee:
Will BOTH be available for the next while ? :eureka:-mj- - 12-6-2009 at 01:38 AM
The Charger will replace the Synergy within the next few months, or at least as long as stock on Syns lasts._thephantom_ - 12-6-2009 at 02:48 AM
Is the vortex finished as a product line?-mj- - 12-6-2009 at 06:28 AM
Originally posted by _thephantom_
Is the vortex finished as a product line?
Yep, we've sold out the last ones a couple of moths agoBladerunner - 12-6-2009 at 06:35 AM
I'm THRILLED to be getting a Syn now ! :eureka:
So much for the Charger being a water kite only ! lunchbox - 12-6-2009 at 07:47 PM
Hey MJ...Welcome!
Any plans in the works for a Bridled Twinskin?edk442 - 13-6-2009 at 03:45 PM
what will be the price of the charger? (or rough estimate)ripsessionkites - 13-6-2009 at 06:57 PM
roughly the same, im hoping - fingered crossed.
sorry i dont really know yet. :dunno:markite - 13-6-2009 at 08:11 PM
I've seen a lot of big jumps in some pricing lately with some companies (a couple have had close to 20% increases) and with the strong euro I'd expect
it to be higher than the Synergy - just a guess. But if it turns out to be the same price then that's a happy surprise.-mj- - 15-6-2009 at 04:18 PM
Originally posted by edk442
what will be the price of the charger? (or rough estimate)
A bit a of bad news here, we have to raise the price by a percentage I donĀ“t yet know.
Price increase of raw materials, increase of laborwages and the thing about Twinskins requiring a bit more attention to build than other kites all
contribute to this.
It s@#ks, sorry!edk442 - 15-6-2009 at 04:36 PM
i've heard the charger was due for release mid june. any word on availability?tdmc96 - 15-6-2009 at 07:19 PM
Welcome to the forum Marijn!!
I understand that some of the guys frome Holland at NABX this year were using a new prototype PL seat harness.
I am in desparate need of a new one and was wondering when this might be out?
Ken (K3)BeamerBob - 7-7-2009 at 04:01 AM
What's the forecast on the Reactor II's Marijn? Can you show us the color combos and the sizes they will come in? I have a 10.8 Reactor II in my
future so I'm curious.-mj- - 8-7-2009 at 01:51 AM
Reactor II, we hope mid/end of August.
Charger, also mid/end August. oh and contradicting my earlier report, it will be a (tiny) bit cheaper then the Syn (only the kite only version) the
complete will be more expensive bit IMO the new bar justifies this.
Seat harness, no news yet, the proto's used on NABX were refined a bit and now were waiting for the factory to complete the first batch.
Bridled Twinskin? why? one of the genius things about twinskins is that they don't need one.
you could count the VPC as Bridle but VPC has another function.ripsessionkites - 8-7-2009 at 02:41 AM
Originally posted by tdmc96
Welcome to the forum Marijn!!
I understand that some of the guys frome Holland at NABX this year were using a new prototype PL seat harness.
I am in desparate need of a new one and was wondering when this might be out?
Ken (K3)
dont worry son,
you're on the list to getting the new pl harness.
not to mention you get to play with the new RIIs and my Teamrider Vapors as well.
as for the colour schemes, i cant reveal these yet. but they look cooler than the Reactor I colours.edk442 - 10-7-2009 at 12:02 AM
Originally posted by -mj-
Charger, also mid/end August. oh and contradicting my earlier report, it will be a (tiny) bit cheaper then the Syn (only the kite only version) the
complete will be more expensive bit IMO the new bar justifies this.
Now I can stop hassling ricardo for info ripsessionkites - 10-7-2009 at 02:28 AM
lol .... ill msg you the second kites have landed.