Power Kite Forum


Hardrock - 11-6-2009 at 07:02 PM

Hey, I saw a video once and can't find it again. This guy had a red kite, don't know what kind but it was right down wind spinning in one spot. Seems he did it in both directions.

Maybe it's called a propeller spin, thats what it would look like.

I've seen it happen right off the ground while trying to get the lines streight in good wind but I can't seem to do it while flying.

It may be easy but the few times I tried, I just get turns and not fast spins in one place.

Can someone explain how this trick is done?

lad - 11-6-2009 at 07:10 PM

If it was a Revolution stunt kite, you'd separately grab a brake line and give it a big, quick downward jerk.

I dunno if it would work on many quad power kites.

Now...if it was a single-line fighter kite...they propeller spin even when you don't ask them to! ;)

Hardrock - 11-6-2009 at 07:52 PM

The kite looked like a big red beamer. Much larger than the 3m beamer.

It's possible as I saw my girlfriends son do it to my 5m trying to untwist the lines right off the ground, it was out of control but could be done in control.

btw lad, thanks for the comment on the vid.

I'll have to search youtube some more.

Hardrock - 11-6-2009 at 08:26 PM

Ah, i found it. It was a beamer, guess i saw it before i knew what a beamer was. My bad.

This spin looks pretty cool but I have never been able to do it.


awindofchange - 11-6-2009 at 08:40 PM

If you learn to fly a Revolution, you can do that with your power kites. This can be done on any pretty much any quad line kite, it just takes practice.

The "propeller"spin is done mainly with the brake lines, not by pulling left or right. Apply full brake on one side while letting the brake line fully loose on the other and the kite will pivot on its axis.

Learning to fly your foil with the brake lines` instead of just pulling left/right will make you a much better pilot and give you tons more control over the kite.

Hardrock - 11-6-2009 at 09:00 PM

hey thanks, I'll put some effort into that.

arkay - 11-6-2009 at 09:55 PM

In case you try this, when I spin the kite fast I usually need to pump the front lines once or twice to fill the kite back up and get it to full power. If your foil falls out of the sky while spinning prepare for a potential tangle from hell :D

lad - 12-6-2009 at 03:38 AM

That's the key - a foil needs to keep inflated, while a Rev doesn't.

BeamerBob - 12-6-2009 at 04:14 AM

Even though I haven't developed a relationship with a rev yet, I must be a closet rev flyer. I always enjoyed doing spins with foils. It seems like all my kites will spin about their center axis with the brake technique described before. The smaller the kite the faster it spins. This works better when you aren't dealing with low winds. It keeps the kite inflated better. Kites smaller than 3m can spin faster than you can keep up with in strong winds. I agree with the statement about learning to fly a foil on just the brakes. I find that sometimes in the buggy, I'll need to adjust the kite and sometimes depending on the position of the kite in the sky and how far upwind I'm going, I might not have the room to pull the handle I want to turn with, but I am able to use the brakes on that side to turn the kite. Picture riding in the buggy with the kite all the way over at my left side and the kite is heading towards the ground. My left elbow is already in my side and my right arm is fully extended. The brakes are my friend to turn the kite. Very handy. Sometimes if I do a downturn in the buggy I'll do a spin to unwind the lines instead of waiting for it to fix at the next turn. I can usually do the spin fast enough to avoid losing any momentum.

Kamikuza - 12-6-2009 at 06:51 AM

Slides ... I like sliding the Rev. I slide it all across the sky :lol: my favourite is to slide it sideways up and down ... I got some people to clap and cheer when I did that once last week :smug:

Wind pressure on the foil, whether it's inflated or not will give you enough control to spin it - in the vid, I notice the same 'looS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K- of a deflated foil that I get, but it's still under control ... when there's enough wind :o

See this is why I like the back strap - you keep the power better and you can steer by setting the lines to keep the kite headed to one side then sine-ing with the brakes only, gently ... but then you could probably do the same with a strop and harness :lol:

I hate having to land the 2-line foil without brakes :rolleyes:

PHREERIDER - 12-6-2009 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by awindofchange
If you learn to fly a Revolution, you can do that with your power kites. This can be done on any pretty much any quad line kite, it just takes practice.

The "propeller"spin is done mainly with the brake lines, not by pulling left or right. Apply full brake on one side while letting the brake line fully loose on the other and the kite will pivot on its axis.

Learning to fly your foil with the brake lines` instead of just pulling left/right will make you a much better pilot and give you tons more control over the kite.

better pilots

it's why we are here

bake - 1-7-2009 at 08:58 PM

You can see his trailing edge fold from heavy brake application on the spinning wing in the video.

heliboy50 - 2-7-2009 at 03:16 AM

Wanna talk about simply ridiculous spins? Profoil 1.0 in good wind:thumbup: I was laughing so hard I had to hand the thing off to my buddy because my sides hurt.