OllieN - 21-6-2009 at 05:20 AM
Hey Guys,
I've been looking at the cirrus pro, and i was wondering, whether any of you have tried it ? And what is it like ? The other thing is, if i
weight 113 pounds and (52kg) would a cirrus pro 5m be a stupid idea or should i get a 4m. I've been using my brothers flexifoil stacker 6 ( i think
its a six ) and so im now looking for some lift in kiting ( jumps ).
Cirrus pro sizes : 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m
thanks everyone
elfasa - 21-6-2009 at 09:35 AM
i looked at these kites when i was looking for my first kites.
i also asked on these forums, you may be able to find the post somewhere.
i have a couple of points
-dont start jumping until you are an experienced flyer. everyone will tell you this.
-as for the kite its self, i think there are better deals to be found by looking on ebay for second hand kites, with a better, more reputable badge
-if you are thinking about jumping you need a kite of a minimum 5m. other wise you will be picked up quick, and dropped just as fast.
just my opinion.
OllieN - 21-6-2009 at 09:37 AM
thanks tim !
Thanks for the advice, but i was just thinking if i did get a 5m kite wouldn't that be stupid because i dont exactly weigh all that much? i
have no clue
elfasa - 21-6-2009 at 09:40 AM
(see my other post in your other thread)
to be perfectly honest, im not sure. i have very little experience of jumping, and what experience i do have is on a 3m... not comfortable..
im just telling you what i have picked up from others in this forum. i would wait until you have some more info from more experienced members before
you make your decision.
elfasa - 21-6-2009 at 09:43 AM
heres the link to the post i made a while ago, this has some opinions of the kite on it.
although, my link is about the 3m, i think the same rule apply.