mougl - 22-6-2009 at 05:19 PM
I ordered a PL Viper 2.6 right before the weekend and it arrived today :singing::singing:
Is it weird that I feel like I just became a father again??? LOL
SCREWYFITS - 22-6-2009 at 06:56 PM
Wait till you fly it and you'll be a proud father!!!:bouncy:
FUN FUN FUN... Hope the wind gods are on your side!!!
borntofli - 22-6-2009 at 07:25 PM
Ive had a 2.6 viper for bout 2 weeks and love it.... just ordered a 3.8
mougl - 22-6-2009 at 07:51 PM
The wind gods are smiling...even at a11pm here we have 12 sustained! The next 2 days are supposed to be 15-18ish with 20+ gusts! :wee::wee::wee:
SCREWYFITS - 23-6-2009 at 06:53 AM
Perfect, that should be great conditions... I'm excited for you!!! I'm gonna have to go out today and get some myself now!!!:evil:
@ borntofli that 3.8m is going to be kick ass, I'm needing one of them to fill the gap between my 2.6m and 5.3m than only have one
left, the 6.8m and I'll be well equipped (no pun:frog: )...
let me know what you think of that 3.8m, I'm interested...