gurnard - 23-6-2009 at 12:55 AM
I used to kite about 4 years ago with a PKD Buster 3m.
Now returning to the sport I am looking for a beginner to intermediate kite for recreational. I am swayed towards the Ozone Flow 4M or the Peter Lynn
Hornet 4M.
What woud be the difference between these kites? I am looking at recreational flying skudding, jumping etc at the beach. Both kits look similar so I
guess it is just down to flying characteristics.
Thanks for reading
elfasa - 23-6-2009 at 03:11 AM
hi martin.
i have flown neither of the kites in question, so dont completely trust what i say.
however, i had exactly the same dilema when i was going to buy my kite, and posted the same thing on here (ill tryand find the link for you)
the answer i got from other members are that these 2 kites are so simmilar in build quality, flying charicteristics, etc etc there is really nothing
major seperating the 2. the hornet is slightly cheaper if i remember correctly, and that may sway your decition. apart from that, you wont be
dissapointed with either of these kites, and someone told me, its justa coice of which graphics i found more appealing.
elfasa - 23-6-2009 at 03:15 AM
check this out, it has a little bit of info on the 2 kites:
"both are good, in the same factor. bascially it will come down to your colour choice now. "
flow or hornet
gurnard - 23-6-2009 at 03:57 AM
Thanks for the link elfasa, some nice opinions.
But in the end you went for an Eolo Radsail is that correct?
How are you finding that?
Thanks for reading
elfasa - 23-6-2009 at 04:06 AM
hey. yeah, that is correct.
i got this kite simply because of the price. i was on a very tight budget and i picked my one up off ebay for £50 posted.
i really like it. it is very responsive, and works well in a wide range of wind (i dont know about the 4m though, i assumne it will be the same)
however, i doubt that it is as good as the hornet or flow.
if you are on a tight budget, i dont think you can go wrong with the radsail, they are often popping up on ebay used, and OFTEN go for less than
if you have no problem with spending the money on fle flow or horney, i think i would reccomend getting one of those 2. however, if you are on a tight
budget, and the hornet and flow is right at the top of your budget, its deffinately having a look on ebay for them.
and that goes for all kites. from taking a while to look on ebay you can get loads of kites at a good price. same as looking on these and other kite
it is a Flow
gurnard - 24-6-2009 at 04:39 AM
I have gone for a Ozone 4m Flow in the end. Should get it for the weekend or next.
Thanks for the advice.
Kamikuza - 24-6-2009 at 04:49 AM
Welcome back!
Flow 4m
gurnard - 3-7-2009 at 04:42 AM
Ok So I went for the Flow 4m in the end, got it delivered within 2 days for 214 euro which I thought was good.
Anyhoo I flew it at the weekend at the beach, low wind 1-2 beaufort.
I have not flown for 3 years or so, my last kite was a PKD Buster 3M.
The flow was a lot simpler to fly and it had more power, the 3m in similar winds I could fly but only by working it and I would not get any pull.
From the flow I was skudding and attempting jumps. It is a very steady stable kite and being a re-born newbie I was comfortable flying and trying out
the different areas of the wind window.
The only niggly thing I found was it did not seem to turn as sharply, on the breaks, as the Buster did. Could that be because of the larger area?
Love everything else about the kite, the bag, handles, setup (super simple) design, lines flying of the kite I am very happy with and can see that I
can learn a lot and have a great deal of fun from this kite.
Kamikuza - 3-7-2009 at 05:48 AM
Yes to the area and just wait till there's more wind
Flow 4m
gurnard - 3-7-2009 at 06:34 AM
Hey Kamikuza, thanks for the reply.
Fantastic that it is the area, something new to get better at. I read another review that mentions that the Flow likes turning on the front lines so
I will concentrate working that more. Yeah if I am skudding in no wind when the wind picks up.. :wee:
Kamikuza - 3-7-2009 at 08:11 AM
Wait till you get a bigger one, slower again ... "But it's only another metre bigger"