elfasa - 23-6-2009 at 05:02 PM
so i was thinking about a de power kite. and i was thinking, surely if you put a normal 4 line fixed bridle, onto a 4 line de power bar, wouldnt that
make ita a depower, or would it be just like running it on a bar, that works through a harness?
you could use a bar, a bit like this one
and any old 4 line kite, rage, for instance.
would that work ?
what effect would that have ?
Looking_Up - 23-6-2009 at 05:13 PM
:embarrased: Don't know if this is considered a hijack or not but what about turning one of the Nasa High Aspect ratios into a simple depower
should just be a little different bridle layout right?
I am Going to try a Nasa Ha but I may Save the Depower For the Second Kite
end Hijack:bigok:
awindofchange - 23-6-2009 at 05:30 PM
No, it will only be putting a fixed bridled kite on a depowerable bar. You will not make the kite a depowerable kite just with the bar.
There have been several topics on this before, you may be able to find some of them with a search.
The main difference and reason that it won't work is that a true depowerable kite uses a system of pulley's and bridle lines to allow the efficiency
and overall power of the sail to be adjustable in flight. By moving the bar up and down the chicken line (depower line or center line), you actually
change the physical curvature of the kite during flight by either flattening out the kite (depowering the kite) or curving the kite (powering up the
kite); all while also being able to change the overall angle of attack of the wing (power adjuster strap). Without this complex bridle system you are
only changing angle of attack which doesn't "actually" depower the kite but stalls or speeds up the kite during flight by changing the brake line
Hope that helps.
manitoulinkiter1 - 23-6-2009 at 05:32 PM
You can turn a fixed bridle into a depower. There are several diagrams out there for the Flexi-foil blade kites called super blade mod.
However I think it's a little complicated, definetely not just using a depower bar. It involves reworking the bridle of the kite. John at Powerzone
apparentley does a good job at it.
I have the plans for the super blade mod and a Blade3 10.5, but I'm still going to send it to Powerzone. I'd just rather fly than fool around with
something I have screwed up.
Anyway simply using a depower bar on a fixed bridle will result in injuries as the steering lines for a depower are the back lines on the kite and the
font lines come off the middle of the bar. So you would only be working the brakes and would have very little steering input.
I am sure other things would happen as well but have never tried or seen it tried.
Hope this helps some, but I'm sure someone wiser than myself will fill you in.
elfasa - 24-6-2009 at 02:05 AM
thanks for the information.
i assumed it wouldnt be as simple as i thought, or everyone would be doing it