csultanian - 24-6-2009 at 09:33 AM
I currently own a 2.5m and 3.5m Bullet, but would like to get into depowerable kites. I am looking for fast with lots of lift and little to no drag
that's good for static jumping and static flying. I am a 180 lb male. Normal winds are about 10 km/h and little bit gusty at times. What kite,
harness, and bar would be recommended?
--- or should I be sticking with a fixed bridle?
DAKITEZ - 24-6-2009 at 09:37 AM
De-power kites do not work well for static flying. You will not really see the benefit of the de-power while static flying. If static flying is what
you plan to do stick with a fixed bridle and get a Peter Lynn twister or flexifoil blade for jumping
manitoulinkiter1 - 24-6-2009 at 10:17 AM
Hey man
To add to what Dakitez says not many depowerable kites will fly well in 10 km/h winds and the ones that will are big and big is usually expensive.
csultanian - 24-6-2009 at 04:43 PM
Can you tell me what the differences are between the Blade 4 and Blade 5? Also, what is "Flexifoil kite killers"?
kitejumper - 24-6-2009 at 05:48 PM
kite killers attach to your wrists and the kites brake lines so you can let go of the kite when overpowered.
csultanian - 24-6-2009 at 06:14 PM
Thanks kitejumper.
Do you know what the differences are between the Blade 4 and the Blade 5? I'm looking at the 6.5 m ones but I'm not sure which is better and why.
Drewculous - 24-6-2009 at 09:11 PM
the 5 series is just comming out... so you wont get any first hand experience on that one, but good news, with the new comming out, the ledgedary
blade 4 will be getting cheaper as retailers want to make way for the new model... but beware... a 6.5 blade 4 is a monster compared to the bullets!
if you do get it, be careful and take it slow, fly in light, smooth winds to start with. Youre going from a reduced lift kite, to the king of lifty
FB foils... very different animal.
if it were me tho, and i was set on a blade, Id say go after a 4 series, proven performance, and soon to be close out prices
cant beat that
p.s. i own a twister 5.6... im 230 lbs and i can knock out great jumps with it, i would almost rather see you get a twister before a blade... much
more forgiving in gusty winds