Aaron p - 24-6-2009 at 10:31 AM
Hi there! I'm Aaron, From Northern Ireland and live right on the beach, so I've seen people power kiting from a young age! So, A few days back I
ordered a Very cheap 2.5m power kite from ebay just to give it a try, and immediatly fell in love! I flew it today in 10mph winds with gusts of about
15-17 , but it didnt give me much pull to be honest, all I could really do was lean back a bit even when flying the kite in the most powerful area of
the wind window. So, I want something better, but Im not a fool either and dont want to injure myself badly, so there are 2 or 3 kites I'm eyeing up
for my low budget! One is either a 3.6 or 4.6m Brookite attack and the other is a brookite velocity in either of the same sizes. The difference is
apparently the velocity doesnt provide constant pull whereas the attack does.
Now, Am I going too big too fast with the almost five metre one? Should I be able to get skidding about and a wee bit of lifting off the ground action
from the 3.6m one ( Im a ten stone male ), and do the brakes work in such a way that if i was lifted off the ground braking could ease the power and
set me back down? Its all so new but so fun! Ive had no bother flying the kite, thats no issue, Im just worried il buy something too big and get swept
Any help is greatly appreciated! shout me out if your from NI!
Aaron p - 24-6-2009 at 10:41 AM
EDIT: Read a few more, Wont be getting a 4.6m kite having read other posts, so now should i handle a 3.6m kite ok if I am sensible and would constant
pull or quick snaps of pull be better ( aparently the difference between the models ). Thanks, (A now more realistic) Aaron
indigo_wolf - 24-6-2009 at 10:57 AM
You might want to check www.racekites.com and the Flexifoil forums for used foils in the 2.4-3.0 (but keep posting here with stories and questions ;-)). Both of them are
frequented by flyers that would be able to ship relatively local to you, so you would be putting more money towards the kite and less to overseas
If you have a store local to you, you might want to drop in and see what they have used or ask them to keep an eye out for a used kite for you.
Do you have any fliers or clubs local to you? You might be able to find someone to let you try some kites so you are not buying totally blind.
You might also want to poke around here:
My girlfriend's father is in Ireland this week, wave if you see an elderly gentleman cursing at the rain
Bladerunner - 24-6-2009 at 06:02 PM
DON'T RUSH buying your next kite !!!!!!!!
Fly the kite you have in the mean time. Get used to the wind window and familiar with flying technic. Try to fly wihout looking at the kite at all.
Search a bit more about kites before your next purchase. Brookite hasn't made it over here . I wouldn't buy one until I heard good reviews. Great
deals can be had second hand if money is an issue.
Aaron p - 24-6-2009 at 11:38 PM
Thanks for the help guys =) ! I'll keep flying what I've got for a bit more and see what shows up! Being a student its more of a the cheaper the
better style situation but its grand, If need be I can wait a bit and get something better! Theres just so many kites and so little apparent
difference between them haha