vtliter - 28-6-2009 at 06:32 AM
I'm looking for some feedback from folks who have used this kite as a low wind engine on the water. We get a fair amount of light wind days in Vermont
during the summer and I need something that can get me up when it's blowin' 5-10. I have a local person that has a lightly used Guerilla 22 for sale.
What say ye?
rudeboysaude - 29-6-2009 at 10:05 AM
I flew a G22 with a KiteCat once. It definatly wasn't one of my favorite ARCs. It's slow, pobably the slowest ARC I've ever flown.
I'd save up and buy a big Synergy. With my 19 and Door 64 at 200 lbs I can ride in 10. It's not a whole lot of fun, but anyday you get wet is better
then sitting at home.
awindofchange - 29-6-2009 at 11:36 AM
For the wind range you are talking about, I would probably recommend a giant Flysurfer over the Peter Lynn's. The older PL's don't do quite as well
in the ultra light winds, the newer Synergy's are much better but 5 mph wind is really pushing the light wind limit for pretty much any surf kite. As
much as I like the Peter Lynn's, I think you would be disappointed in the 22 for those winds.
macboy - 29-6-2009 at 04:24 PM
I can't imagine any PL being useful on the water below 8 knots or so. Unless maybe you preinflate with a blower? Any lull and you're swimming
though.....or bowtieing and praying for shore. Not speaking from experience, just assuming. If I get a 7/8 knot day snowkiting I'm JUST able to get
going with the 19.....but our winds are dirty so that adds to the frustration.