I was wanting some short lines and a W I D E bar for parking lots and could not find what I wanted so it was of the the auto parts store.
Lines......600# parachute chord (stretched with a cart at work)$4
Bar ......42" piece of AL pipe from the local salvage dealer $3.
Assorted bits to make it all work... Free from old rope laying around.
I am very happy with how it all works. The 14m line are fun and fast for small parking lots with a 3.5m kite. I can tell if I am to close to a pole
or my car. The kite turns very quickly with the wide bar. I was unsure if the para chord would work for kites being a little thick and heavy but it
seems to do fine and not show and weird wear patterns,
+ a very cheap kite helped keep me under my $50 budget.
FLysurfer Pulse 2
Waroo 12m
Buster 2 5.0
Outlaw 6.0
Profoil 3
Kitewing IV8
Comp 16
K2 ElCamino
Gnu 11up