Price wise, the Hornet or even the Twister II from Peter Lynn should be the least expensive and both are awesome entry level kites that have some very
good performance. Peter Lynn makes a very good product that should give you years of enjoyment without any fuss or quality issues.
The Beamer is more like the Hornet, again fantastic quality and very good kite for the price. Both the Beamer and the Hornet are not the best for
lift - and may not be your best choice for jumping but a 5.0 meter will still have plenty of pop to get you off the ground. Their glide ratio is not
as good as the Twister II so it will put you back down on the ground a bit faster than the Twister II will (basically - not as much float, lift and
hangtime as the Twister II). The Twister II is a little more tame than the Crossfire and the Blade so it would still be a great choice for you.
The Flow is also right along the same lines as the Beamer and Hornet in that it is an incredibly awesome entry level kite that has good speed, solid
performance and very smooth power also is not really designed as a lifty kite. Like the others, in the right wind it will still have plenty
of power to get you off the ground. Quality and construction are absolutely flawless with the Ozone gear so you are getting one of the best kites
made with the Flow. You do pay a little more for that quality - but the Ozone performance is well worth it (IMO).
I would recommend the Twister II for what you want to do.
Hope that helps.