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Author: Subject: Scorpions rule, summer sucks
Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 24-7-2009 at 11:50 AM
Scorpions rule, summer sucks

Living in the Midwest, the winds we get in the summer suck. I've been getting really anxious. Finally I got a day to take out the 13m scorpion in 21mph winds (or close to it). I had my first failed scorpion launch in a few months which really made me frustrated. After launching it again I was ready to go. I took a friend with me who had never seen a power kite before.

The first thing I did was a nice floaty jump right over my buddys head. It was beautiful. After ripping the crotch out of my pants and being drug through the grass I had a couple more nice jumps over my friend. This is why I do this!!!!

I know that scorpions are notorious for being the red headed step child of the Peter Lynn line up, but ive had really good Luck with both of mine. Kite jumping is better than everything!

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[*] posted on 24-7-2009 at 11:53 AM

Ugh... don't get me started with failed summer scorp launches... :no: These idaho summer winds are just terrible m8. 5 failed sesh's later...

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[*] posted on 24-7-2009 at 06:36 PM

They sure can be stubborn but when they take off it'a all worth it.:wee:

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[*] posted on 24-7-2009 at 07:36 PM

With my 16m Scorp I'm running a 50% first launch rate. 90% second attempt.
With mine being practically brand new, I have found that the static build up on the material actually is what is the culprit. Gonna try rubbing a fabric dryer sheet on the mesh covering over the inlets to see if not only if it will help with the inlets sticking to the mesh but also bringing a fresh mountain scent to the kite! :crazy:

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[*] posted on 27-7-2009 at 08:05 AM

Gee i have 100% launch rate with my LEI kites
Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 27-7-2009 at 12:32 PM

Yeah but do you fly them in the snow and have freeze your fingers off pumping and repumping your kite?

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[*] posted on 27-7-2009 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by snobdr
Gee i have 100% launch rate with my LEI kites

I'm sorry. . . but I didn't see that this thread had anything to do with LEIs? Maybe I overlooked that the title had NOTHING to do with LEIs... :o

Ahem... let me reword that:

Sure this might be so snobdr; however, what are you trying to accomplish here my friend? We were just talking about scorps in the summer and some frustrations we shared and your post comes out of nowhere trying to rub it in our faces? Please restrain from this in the future man, It's not nice to come into a thread not related to LEI vs ARC/Foil and try to make it one. Thanks dude.

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[*] posted on 27-7-2009 at 01:18 PM

LOL my bad


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[*] posted on 27-7-2009 at 01:56 PM

first time I launched my phantom on the beach it flew backwards into the powerzone and hooked the wingtip on a rock giving it a nice 5in tear. I said F'it and tried again (this kite has tons of repairs and I got it for $150 so no biggie). flew the whole session with the rip and couldn't even notice it.

I'm guessing the scorpion and phantom maybe having similar stubborn launches due to there insanely high aspect shape.

seems like the more preinflation you can get the better it works.

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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 28-7-2009 at 07:10 AM

eeek@the rip!! That's hilarious tho that you flew it anyways :D . I did end up buying a coleman mattress inflater(pun intended) i have yet to remember to bring it tho... O.O . Should help a good amount, at least to just top it off ya know?

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[*] posted on 28-7-2009 at 07:12 AM

Originally posted by nwsurfwakeskate

seems like the more preinflation you can get the better it works.

yes! Cutting corners on the inflate causes lots of launching headaches... been there done that

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[*] posted on 28-7-2009 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by csa_deadon
With mine being practically brand new, I have found that the static build up on the material actually is what is the culprit. Gonna try rubbing a fabric dryer sheet on the mesh covering over the inlets to see if not only if it will help with the inlets sticking to the mesh but also bringing a fresh mountain scent to the kite! :crazy:

VERY interesting... I just picked up a 10m from RIP brand new still in the plastic and it seemed like it would not take air into the inlets. After landing and inserting the leaf blower into each on problem solved; I like the thought of a dryer sheet but would the chemicals do any harm?

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