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"Same thing with the pro link handles. When they first came out the price was ridiculous. They might be a nice bombproof handle but not worth the
price they were asking." |
I voted that Flexis are overpriced for what you get, and I stand by that statement for all except the Blades and the Pro Link handles. Ever since I
got my pro links I have trouble with all other handles. They just don't seem as comfy and most now feel quite awkward. For example, I tried the
Twister II when kitejumper had it, and the handles were just bad. There was a plastic insert that acts as a bushing in the handle itself the the
power leader line goes through. That little plastic piece is sharp as a mother f&*%@r, almost sharp enough to cut you. It was painful holding
onto them with my fingers around the leader lines and I could only imagine how bad it would be when jumping. The handles also did not feel as sturdy,
and it made me kinda nervous. Don't get me wrong, the Twister II was excellent, a very close competitor to a comparable sized Blade. I guess I'm
just spoiled with the Pro Links. As for the kites, the Blades are great, super powerful and worth a lot, but not as much as they want to charge brand
new. For other kites, I have flown the Rage 4.7 and now I own my Ozone Flow 5m. IMHO, the Flow is a much better kite when compared side by side to
the Rage, in quality and flight characteristics.
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Registered: 23-6-2009
Location: CHICAGO
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Mood: Damn Kite Quiver!!
"We" is Jolt and I. We split the cost on that kite.
Flexifoil II 10.5m
Flexifoil II 3m
Pansh Flux 5m
3 Stunt Kites
Chicago \"The Windy City\"
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Mood: Weaned by leopards, raised by wolves...
Quote: | Originally posted by ragden
I still want a small (1.8m) rage for those nuking days.
Bah..... Humbug....
A long time ago (in dog years) I looked at the mini-Rage (Ragelet?) Thoughts of days where the wind induced an early receding hairline flitted through
my head.
Then sticker shock set in.... @$300 for a Rage 1.8?
Oh the humanity.... were the bridle lines woven with gold and titanium? Certainly it would be most fetching as it glinted in the low winter sun, but
I just couldn't see it. Not in this lifetime or the next.....
Then you put it back on my radar. So like an idjit, I had to take a look. Rage 1.8? Check.
Only four flights on it? Check.
A price just below a Beamer 1.4? Check.
Midnight Color Scheme? Check & Whimper & the depower fund takes a ding. I am soooooo weak, but this one I blame on ragden. :P
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, does anyone?" - The Body by Stephen King
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You must be preparing for some nukin winds Indigo :eekdrull:!!! I've run the 2.5 rage into 30mph winds and there was still room for more. I can
only imagine the winds you can run that little bugger in. Jim had a 1.8 that I took a spin on a couple years back and it takes quite a bit of wind
before you get going. I'm sure its a sweet little ride when you get those 40mph winds.
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