Greetings folks,
Just found a great deal on an Airush quad bar. Looks like a good addition to my Beamer 3. 6 set up. It arrived today (no instructions) and I can't
seem to get the harness line attached to the bar. (out of state dealer.)
Downloaded a PDF that walks you thru the set up nicely, but the photos are too low res to see exactly how the line velcro's to the bar. Seems
whatever I try, it just does not come out looking like the picture below.
So, does anyone know of a batch of harness lines that were sewn backwards? (unlikely, but possible.)
Or does anyone have a close up of the proper attachment?
I like to think of myself as a reasonably intelligent person, (which I realize could be the subject of considerable debate.) but I just don't see how
to make the configuration shown in the first picture out of the line shown in the second and third shots.
Any help would be appreciated. I would hate to find out I've got it wrong during a gust of wind.