I'll get some pics up tomorrow - I made some new stirrup foot pegs and cut off the old static ones - I tried them out today worked very well - much
more comfortable and they come off very easily, when I want them to. I snagged the ones I made for you Cheesy - but will make some new ones for you
tomorrow - figured I would try them out and work out the bugs first. AD72 had a really good idea for the frame clamp - I had a problem with it
slipping as I pressed on the foot pegs. I'm going to run a pin through it to lock it in place along with the 2 tightening bolts on the bottom. Again
I'll have pics tomorrow - so the build and modifications continue.
Stick with paint!! I know your kind, So untill you decide to build another one and seem happy with this one stick with paint!!
Can't wait to see more photos.
Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
I gave it a shakedown yesterday in a very lumpy muddy field and they did spectacular, never twisted, bent or slipped the whole time. Will be a true
pleasure at the beach.
Pretty much - I used my old fender when I went to the beach last - it worked but it's starting to get pretty ratty. What do you use as an insert on
the splash guards to keep them stiff but allow your legs to not get scraped up if they come in contact?
Originally posted by flexiblade
What do you use as an insert on the splash guards to keep them stiff but allow your legs to not get scraped up if they come in contact?
Well over the years, I have tried anything and everything from made to measure Total Splash Guards from the BBman, to a beautiful fibreglass huggy,
looks great but after 40mph, the sand gets whipped up and shot out the front giving you a face full....but there are loads and loads of options, like
using a large plastic elbow from the water guys, a cars foot well mat
I have now started using since the SB2 a thick vinyl about 1.5mm thick , durable but pliable, I glue two pieces together and have a thinner material
section at the bottom dragging on the floor, I have found with trials, this stops everything....so simple yet so good.
take a look here, just scroll straight to the bottom of the page to see it latest splash guard
Riding a buggy of some description
Powered by (unsponsored) PL Vapors
Rolling on Landsegler Popeyethewelder
I'll give it a shot - I do like the simplicity. By the way, really liked the hinge clamps on the rear axle of the SB2 - very nice detail that comes
in handy when adjusting the height of the buggy.
I don't know if you saw the fender addition or not - the pictures here don't include the star on the front. I had to replace the old fender after a
real hard hit literally broke the old fender off its mounts. This one is practically bomb proof.
The initial frame -
The finished fender minus the paint job -
The fender splits in the middle (that's what the bolts under the forks are for) so as to allow it to come off without removal of the tire. you can
see how far out it sits over the tire to reduce spit back from sand and dirt. The skirt at the back is held on with 4 bolts and washers so that the
skirt can be replaced if needed.
Very nice FB, the first fender I ever made on the 06 Fandango buggy was steel, probably the best one I have ever had tbh, the extra weight at the
front will do no harm either
Riding a buggy of some description
Powered by (unsponsored) PL Vapors
Rolling on Landsegler Popeyethewelder
Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
There will be more videos coming - I did a run at the beach yesterday and have a bunch of footage - only problem is I only used 1 camera mount - all
the same shot angle - I'll probably just break it up into multiple short vids, different terrain and all.
Pansh Ace 5.0 X2
North Husky 6.0
PL Guerilla 13, 18
PL C-Quad 2.3, 3.2, 4.2
Home made Rat Buggy
Libre V Max on barrow Plus wider taller sand tires & bigfoot front end
Blades Of Death, \"thanks Fran\"
Here's a short video of one of the smoother runs that I had the other day. I'll be posting a video tomorrow of the crunchy stuff, when I say crunchy
I mean to say buuuumpy stuff. At the end you'll see the stalker I was playing hide and go seek with all day.
best viewed in either 1080 or 720 - oh and uh, full screen
OK, this is the last one I swear. This video goes to show that when you put bigfoots on your buggy it gets very tempting to go where people aren't.
In this case I had to find somewhere on the beach that my stalker wasn't - the shallow dunes in front of the larger dunes.
Van - this is why I mentioned giving your buggy a proper shakedown - you can see me getting popped out of my seat from the bouncing (3:29) - but never
had a problem with the bug getting me back to base camp.
And for anyone using a GoPro - use different mounting positions and take the time to switch it out during the session - wish I had - in the process
right now of building some more adjustable mounts for all over the bug. Static camera positions are a real drag to edit around.
Originally posted by flexiblade
in the process right now of building some more adjustable mounts for all over the bug. Static camera positions are a real drag to edit around.
That looked like a great day that was long overdue because of the times we have been skunked. Wish I had gone. It definitely does help to have some
footage of the kite or other angles to inter-cut.
NIce vid.. hehe .. I did plenty of shake downs during DBBB. I actually had to throw out a lot of videos because it was so shaky you would puke from
watching it. Good advice on the camera positions. I was thinking about making a few different built in mount on my buggy. Might have to get a few
extra GoPro's so I can record different angles all at the same time :wee:
If you only need a counterweight 2x the weight of the camera on a steadi-cam rig, can I build a tiny steadicam rig with a go-pro? I think I may have
to find out in the new year.
Tide? What's a tide? Man, it's 1000 miles to any ocean.