recover from invert; taco launch&relaunch; max prefill without pump tutorials; autozenit videos
How to recover from an invert
if you ride and suddenly loose line tension (due to a lull, gusty wind or a riding error) your arc kite might invert. try to land it with the leading
edge down. now keep the front lines under tension and walk a bit towards the kite, till it flips over and lays flat on the ground , bottom down. now
the wind will catch under the kite and it will relaunch by itself.
how to maximally prefill your arc kite without an akku pump using an anchor
warning: the method shown ONLY works in mild to moderate winds ! doing this in strong winds might be dangerous to your hands and might also tear out
the anchor and hurt other people ! release one VPC bridle of your parked PL Arc Kite from the anchor, and hold it wide into the air using both hands
on the bridle. that way you can adjust the angle of attack (AoA). in the beginning, if the kite is half empty, choose a lower AoA, and make short
periods of higher AoA. this will turn the air inlet valves more into the wind. give it some seconds, and the kite will be completely filled through
the inlet valves. now you can make a save taco launch that will work perfectly, as the kite is completely filled and will automatically rise to the
zenit (see video "taco launch from anchor") Kite: PL Scorpion 13 sqm Wind: 8, gusting to 12 knots remember to just let go in case a gust strikes.
TACO launch from anchor
if you have moderate winds and a good anchor, you can hook your chickenloop to the anchor, put the kite into taco position and launch the kite by
lifting one edge up. then the kite will go into autozenit and slowly rise to the top. the video is not perfect, though, because you should better
stand behind the kite (near the trailing edge) because otherwise you could get caught by the lines in stronger winds. and - make sure your arc kite is
prefilled to the maximum using a akku-pump or a method i show in the next video. otherwise it wont autozenit. the kite in this video is a Peter Lyn
Scorpion in s13sqm , flown on a naish helix bar. Windspeed was very gusty and quite low - around 8-12 knots. thats the reason the kite did not
completely go to the zenit. try this in clean coastal winds and it will work perfectly. important: dont do that in too strong winds, as it could tear
out your anchor. best is you have two anchors, to the first you attach the chickenloop; to the second anchor you put the safety leach. in case your
kite pulls the first anchor out of the ground, your kite then will flag out on the safety.
Relaunch Peter Lynn Arc Kite from Taco Position
if you crashed your kite or it got down due to light winds, bring it into taco position. then sharply pull the front lines until it starts to open up.
in good winds the kite will now relaunch on its own. in light winds, as in the video shown here, you will have to pump the kite up. by alternately
pulling the frontlines and immediately pulling the bar in again, to stall the kite a bit. this will open it up. then pull again on the front lines, to
let it rise. wind: around 8-10knots kite: PL Scorpion 13 sqm
how to park your peter lynn arc kite on an anchor
if you have a scorpion, synergy or charger, you can easily park your kite in taco position by hooking the VPC bridle line into the anchor. Kite in the
Video is a PL Scorpion 13sqm. do that only in mild winds. otherwise the kite would flap around too much wich could weaken the fabric.
Great compiled list man - thanks! This'll turn out to be a great resource for sure!
Here's the backroll relaunch (at 1:20 to 1:40 and again at 2:40). Works like magic, just have to pay attention as it's coming down so you know what do
to and can do it quite smoothly.
Awesome, good work - make sure you post at arcusers group and sell me your 7m
Scropion, you've obviously outgrown it Lordy! I'll even give you really good
price so you can afford to buy a decent bicycle too!
yeah, this was really bad ultra-gusty wind that day. today the wind at my spot is forecasted even worse: 6 knots gusting to 25 ! thats crazy. i will
stay at home..
@kami: yeah, the rickety bike but i prefer buying new kites instead of a new bike
! yesterday i ordered a 10m synergy (condition used just a few times, promised looking fresh without dirt; price 250 euro<-- is this price ok?)!
hopefully it is more stable than the scorpion. as much as i love the high speed of the scorps, they just seem to me to invert a lot in really gusty
wind. hope the syn is much less prone to inverts.
regarding the 7sqm scorpion: i would be really happy to sell it to you, but i am afraid that shipping costs from germany to japan are astronomical ?
please write me a PM and we can try to figure a deal. i bought the scorp 7 brand new and have flown it about 7 times only - nearly new condition, no
holes, almost no dirt (only a tiny bit at the spar pockets from the meadow ). i can send you closeup photos.
Call those bikes "mama-chari" here ... everyone rides them, especially old house wives
Sounds like a great price! I've only flown my 19 but it seems pretty stable - had it invert once but I was flying it static in almost nothing wind and
I was playing with trim settings and stuff at the time ...
I was kind of joking on the Scorp ... kind of :ticking:
My little park is just not big enough ... maybe the widest area is 75m great
surface though, although it's wearing the hell out of the tyres and I'd hate to fall over on it :O
yeah, i wish i would know someone who owns a phantom. must be a powerfull kite.
today , i had the first flight of my synergy 10sqm. i definitely noticed the difference between scorpion and synergy: the synergy is really well
behaving, but also at the same time somehow boring. while the scorpion is a beast: hard to launch, prone to inverts even in-flight, but its FAST,
agressive, agile, razor sharp and has a lift that goes straight upwards. while the synergy is very easy to handle: i could launch it half filled ! all
the scorpion training finally paid out for the synergy, i think i will never
need a prefiller akku pump.
it has vastly improved stability and also better air inlets?