I'm new on the forum - and sort of new in Powerkiting, did experienced the RAGE 2.5 - AWESOME !! New "small" jumper.. Bought a Blade II 4.9 from a
longdistance friend... discovered that it is converted to a VPS.... New on the bar thing, and also that the lines is the otherway around attached to
the bar (mainlines in the middle)... The whole concept is a bit new to me... haven't tried it out yet - want to understand it in theory first - bit
scared.... Best wind bft to try it out ?? how do i steer it ?? How/can i do kite "killing" PLEASE HELP ??
Sting 1.2 - Sting 1.7 - Rage 2.5 - Blade 4.9 - Stuntkites (many)