Wrapping Lines on Handles
I've noticed that how I store my kite lines makes a world of difference when setting up the next time. At first I was holding the two handles
together and wrapping the lines around them, starting at one end then to the other, and back again. This method didn't produce many tangles, but it
was very time inducive and took many rotations of the wrist to get all the lines wrapped up.
So I decided to try para-packing. After a few failed attempts with very tangly lines...I gave up on this.
Now I go for a figure 8 wrap. I know this is recommended for bars, but it also seems to work well on my handles. I take the two handles and hold
them side by side...but with one facing opposite direction as the other. This makes a sort of X shape. Then I wrap the beginning of the lines around
the middle of the handles to hold them in place. Finish up by simply making a figure 8 shape from the top of the X to the bottom of it, until I reach
the kite.
This figure 8 method seems to be quick and tangle reducing. Does anyone have a specific method that works well for them, when using handles?