Thank you Carl; yes it was the GoPro in action. The file was only 305mb and I feel something is corrupt in either the software or my computer. I had
this issue before but for the life of me I can't figure out what I did to correct it. Vimeo was surprisingly fast taking only 15 minutes to load.
Yes its the HD and it seems to be loosing some of it's magic in picture quality. It took me some time to figure out the functions and what worked out
best. Be careful if you do a helmet mount... one bump and you have headless people though out your video.
Nice video, more minutes of jealous. Damn work for not letting me attend.
Just a question do beach goers have the right a way? We would have to slow them for them to pass?
Looking forward to the fall event. However it spuds like first week October but I'll be at a different event. Maybe next year will be the year. I've
been talking to dino so we want to hit up as many events next year. Rip Daskirtz Travel Show.
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@RIP -In the fall there should be less people, if I see a family or kids present I'll slow down and even come to a stop so the mothers don't freak
out. Last year’s event we had one ambitious fellow that needed to dig a trench to keep us away from his family. Chatty little chap with some stale
jokes. I'll talk with Don to see if we can push later into the month of October. Will this work for you?
Thank you all for the comments! You can download this video along with all of my others from the Vimeo site.
Originally posted by Todd
Yes its the HD and it seems to be loosing some of it's magic in picture quality. It took me some time to figure out the functions and what worked out
best. Be careful if you do a helmet mount... one bump and you have headless people though out your video.
Sorry Todd with all the Qs, but I am going to a kite festival next weekend and I dont have time to mess about with it, plus I wont be able to check
everything until I get home..which will be too late then
Riding a buggy of some description
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Rolling on Landsegler Popeyethewelder
If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
@Drew - no 15m Phanny made a showing that day that I know of. There was two 9m's though, one traditional green and then a nifty 9m in orange with end
zips A beautiful sight for sure. If we had a 12m there it would have
been the whole quiver present, that would have made a nice picture.