Why the Sport is called Kite Skating, not Kite Blading...
Once again the subject of sport terminology brews behind the scenes. A trivial matter for sure, but one that nonetheless remains a source of
The sport is not called kite Blading for several reasons:
1. Only a small percentage of kite skates being used in the world today are made by Rollerblade or using Rollerblade components.
2. Rollerblade Corp is the registered owner of said name and to call something a "Blade" is branding such as calling all sodas Coke.
3. The people who are now referring to the sport as kite blading were not amongst the folks who chose to name it kite skating over 13 years ago.
4. Having multiple names for one sport confuses people by mixing terminology. For example, people searching the web for kite blading sites will miss
out on a ton of information listed on the web as kite skating and visa versa.
Kite Skating has only ever had one name and those who are dedicated to the sport are aware of that.
Let's keep things simple.
Now the next question is >>>
Kite-skateboarding, Kite-landboarding or Kite-mountainboarding?