2003 Documentary about the history of Hang-gliding
Wile not about power Kiteing It highlights the similarity to our sport today.
school it is shot at is in Manquin VA east of richmond. It may be worth a trip to see If I can fly Kites out there
XXXLQuadrifoil kitesurfer 9.6
6.5 meter PL Pepper
5M Npw9b
3.5M PL Vapor
3.5 meter PL Pepper
2.3M PL Vapor
2m profoil
HQ Symphony 2.2
1.7 Flexi S
tingthe zombie chihuahua
home brew doom wheels
Rollerblade Coyotes
WG/Silver custom Frankinbuggy
My kiting pics
Kites Up Buggy Down :piggy: