the low tide has been moving into the late evening hours and steady sea breeze , 10mph or so has been nice in the cooler sunset rides since about SAT.
ACTUALLY got some video but can't find my firewire!
Charger 15 has pulled all 4 sessions out of 5 with the ExA doing one as it was already out.
i 'm reminded how similar in pull and turning speed the 2 kites are. both kites have about same ride time on them and both COMPLETE kites have had
wear and breakage. and no violent crashes land or water. and both have been exposed to about same heavy (25mph+) wind sessions.
the CHARGER still has me concerned with the collapse thing and has only turned one water session since it started. after a few land sessions late
edge of the window hard redirects will initiate a collapse and once its clapped out recovery is slow. not sure if its the exact cause but i'll get
it back on the water when i feel i can identify WTF is going on.
and i'll work on the vid transfer and chop it up real nice