Winds 13-16 kts, kite slingshot rev 13....What an easy kite to ride with.. Waterstarting in the boiling whitewater that pushes you downwind no
problem.. The slack lines dont bother it like the flysurfers....
This is a fast turning kite for a 13, started out on the bottom end of the wind range and working the kite is a breeze... As the wind picked up I
could park it and take hands off bar and just cruise...
No problem surfing down wave faces, kite just drifts w/you, get to the bottom power up and go..
Up wind no problem, maybe not as good as the pulse but close...
Self launched and landed a couple times no problems.....
There were 2 other kiters out one on a 10 and one on a 12.. They were underpowered, couldn't get away from the shore (winds were straight onshore).
I'm likin the rev, think I can handle it to the low 20's.....
I'll keep my speed 17, but I think the pulse needs a new home..
Will take a while to get used to it, totally different from flying foils.....
we'll see how long till my next leak....
How do you know how much to pump it up?? I pump it till I think it will burst, but I can still bend the struts... The leading edge bladder is rock
hard....when you thump it its a fairly high pitched sound....
Ocean Rodeo Rise 12
Ozone C4 10
Slingshot Octane 7
Flysurfer speed 2 15 SA
Rollersurfer (for sale)
6\'2\" Slingshot SST
Slingshot fuse
Brokite 134 freeride
Ocean Rodeo mako 140