Unless the wind forecast looks terrible, I'm planning to be at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine Florida on Sunday, October 10th to do some
In case you've never been it is a great buggy venue. You get 3 miles of wide hard pack at low tide. Cars are not allowed on the beach. There's a
big parking lot in the State Park just behind the dunes where you can find food and facilities. The rangers are friendly to kiters. Park admission
is $8.00 per vehicle. Limit 2-8 people per vehicle or $4.00 for a Single Occupant Vehicle.
The tides on Sunday are
10:46AM LDT 5.9 H
05:02PM LDT -0.1 L
This works well with the current wind forecast for some late afternoon buggy time.
IKitesurf wind forecast:
Entrance for the park is here:
I fly: Charger II 6.5m * Charger II 8m * Charger II 10m * Scorpion 10 (for sale) * Phantom II 12m * F-Arc 1200 * Venom 13m
I ride: Peter Lynn XR+ on Midis * Flexifoil Midi/Barrow * Peter Lynn Comp on Barrows * Peter Lynn XR+ (needs a fork)
I build: Custom bars for buggy pilots
I write about kite stuff: at
Philip Chase