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Author: Subject: Zebra Kites (continued from another post)
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[*] posted on 8-10-2010 at 06:33 PM
Zebra Kites (continued from another post)

hmmm better to start a second post : http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=15265

yes, we are the distributor for Zebra Kites made by Libre.

they are the newer design for the Libre Bora Race.

The Z1 is the more user friendly version, the advanced kite since last year they released the Checka, a true beginner foil.

The Z2 is a race worthy kite, and is fast and stable. Lots can be seen in the Open and Master Class. It has the adjustments just like the Libre Spirit. However the bonus is the price.

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