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Author: Subject: beamer 3 4.0 or fury 4.5
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 05:36 AM
beamer 3 4.0 or fury 4.5

yes, i first thaught to buy the beamer 3 4.0 instead of th pansh legend4.5 but now i can get an ozone fury 4.5 for the same price as the beamer 4.0, so which one will i take?
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 07:48 AM

ozone :thumbup:

Retired Pansh Racer, comes without instruction manual
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 07:58 AM


Honestly, u cant go wrong here


PL: Twister II 5.6m, Phantom 15m / 12m, 10m Synergy, JIBE Viper 5.3m, Charger 19m
HQ: Montana 4 12.5m, Apex 3 5m
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 08:03 AM

so you vote for the ozone?

which one creates the most lift?
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 08:11 AM

I hadn't heard of the Fury until this post, so I googled it. It said the Fury is the little brother of the Samurai. Is this kite still in production? Great price for a new Ozone, but what year was this issued? Anyway, 4.5M is quite a bit of kite for a new flyer, so make sure you take it out in light wind at first, until you can control it well. Good luck with whichever you choose, and have fun/be safe.


Bob Lussier

1.4M Beamer III, 2M Beamer IV,2M Toxic HQ , 7.5MApex III, HQ, Quadrifoil XXXL (9.66M), NPW5 2.4,4.8m, NPW9 3.4M(HQ),NPW9 7M (RASTA\'S FURY), NPW9 7.6M (BIG SISTAH),NPW9 12MGREENMONSTER(km4), P L Comp ST buggy,PL Bigfoot+ buggy, Atomic Alibi Snowboard, Protec Knee/Elbow Pads & Helmet, Seirus wristguards, Demon crash shorts, LaCross chest/shoulder pads. (tryin\' to be safe!)
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 08:54 AM

Originally posted by jimerke
so you vote for the ozone?

which one creates the most lift?

he means both are in the best(good/better/best) catagory for entry level/beginner kites by way of handling and quality materials/craftmanship.
i would guess both are medium AR thus neither are designed with lift (jumping?) in mind. for jumping go big.
the Beamer 3 is 2 models outdated but that's not saying the 3 is not a good kite( i've not seen/flown a 4 or 5) but i'd bet there are improvements in either/or/all catagories of handling, materials, craftmanship.
for buggying purpose (not jumping)
my beamer 3 (3m) is my go to kite as the average winds here suited that 3m kite size most days. my next go to kite is a 12m Pulse 2.
Ozone is safest bet for top shelf products(today's HQ and Peter Lynn have arrived too) but I never seen/flown a Fury. I've flown Imp 3m, Little Devil 4.5m, Frenzy 7.3m/12m, Access 10m, and Razor(s) 3.5m, 4m, 5m,

PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 10:20 AM

Originally posted by bobalooie57
I hadn't heard of the Fury until this post, so I googled it. It said the Fury is the little brother of the Samurai. Is this kite still in production? Great price for a new Ozone, but what year was this issued?

I think the production years were ~ 2005-06.

That branch of the family tree was:

Little Devil --> Fury --> Imp with some overlap in years in certain (smaller) sizes.

The OP didn't say whether the kites were NIB or not. If not, I would definitely try to get the seller to nail down a condition for them.


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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 11:41 AM

he told me that he used the kite 2 times but he don't need it anymore because his wife bought him an ace (7m) because th kite wasn't big enough to lift him, his ace does that well enough:spin:
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by jimerke
he told me that he used the kite 2 times but he don't need it anymore because his wife bought him an ace (7m) because th kite wasn't big enough to lift him, his ace does that well enough:spin:

i will say this about Pansh's Aces (i have 6, 7, 8 meter Aces) is that they sure as heck can/will lift you but it takes a better than average flyer to turn/maneouver them quickly enough to stay safe (unhurt). i've found the bigger they are the slower and less maneouverable they become. foggy memory cuz i rarely use it but i think my 5m Sprint "a race bred kite" has hardly no better turning speed than Aces. i've heard the Ozone Yaks manouver well. this 'manouverablitity' is the difference between Aces and other comparable manufacture's alike offerings. a Peter Lynn Reactor (I or II) or Flexifoil Blurr will out turn an Ace easy. of course price is a factor too. i can and have turned the 8m Ace on it's wing tip but it's a slow turn at that.
a Pansh Legend is akin to a Beamer/Fury and the Legend flies easy and as expected as the Fury/Beamer but I will not say the quality is same. price point comes into play though too. i have not seen the newer models from Pansh.

PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 12:11 PM

i am still searching for a kite,... i found a peter lynn 5.5 for 150 euro's, but i don't now if its a good kite to start learning to fly with a four lines kite at low wind as uasual in belgium...
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 12:15 PM

there are plenty of PL 4 line kite's but i'm thinking it's a Pepper (I or II) or a Twister which are both fine and dandy for low winds/beginner. in higher winds with right technique one could safely jump with a 5.5m.

PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 12:17 PM

okay, than ill go for the peter lynn if the lines and kite are okay...

thanx decision been made
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by jimerke
so you vote for the ozone?

which one creates the most lift?

your thread has become annoying quite frankly and in the case of Nocando, insulting................are you serious about flying or just yanking chains? Youre a total newb and have not listened to any recommendations offered so flip a coin.....................

17m Ozone Zephyr (2012)
15m Flysurfer Silver Arrow 2
12m Ozone Catalyst (2013)
10m Ozone Catalyst (2012)
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 02:15 PM

He's excited, probably just like you (tridude) once were. DON"T get you panties all bunched up! Adjust if needed!

Prism Snap Shot 1.9
Flexifoil 1.2 Sting
Ozone Imp 1.5
Beamer II 2.5
Ozone Little Devil 2.1 3.0
Hq npw9 3.4
Quadrifoil XL XXL

Libre V-Max
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 03:34 PM

If you don't have previous flying experience you are looking at the wrong size of kite.

You are facing the same problems all beginers have. A desire to go too big too fast. Worrying about jumping when you can't even fly.

If you get too big a kite you end up fighting it and just surviving . NOT learning and probably getting hurt. Don't go over 4m for your 1st kite and 3m is MUCH better. Get something like a Beamer that will serve as a good stable high wind kite down the road. If you find you want to move up and can't afford to keep your 3m a good one should resell easy.

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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John Holgate
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 04:41 PM

Yep, stick with a 3m to learn on. If you try jumping with a smallish kite (3-5m) you are asking for trouble unless you know exactly what you're doing. And even then, plenty of experienced kiters have hurt themselves static jumping. Even a 4m kite will punish you hard unless you start slowly in light winds. My 3m flow will lift me (180lbs) but if I tried to go any higher than I'm willing to land unassisted, I would probably break an ankle. I kid you not.

Learn to fly the pants off a 2-3m kite, THEN you'll be in a much better place to think about a bigger kite for jumping. Better still, put some wheels under your feet - check out Spartan's jumping in the Kite Skating video in the relevant section. Now that's jumping.

Libre Vmax, Alloy Vermin buggy.
Ozone Access/Method/Riot/Imps/
Born-Kite Nasa Star 2's & 3. Born-Kite Long Star 3,5,7m. Peak 2 6m.
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[*] posted on 21-10-2011 at 08:38 AM

i bought the kite, and i like to fly it, its smooth it turns well an i get good air... and i land soft... and yes i did had some kiting experience with a 1.4 kite....

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