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Author: Subject: peter lynn pepper 5.5 or HQ Beamer IV 4.0 as a beginner kite in low(er) winds
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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 12:30 PM
peter lynn pepper 5.5 or HQ Beamer IV 4.0 as a beginner kite in low(er) winds

peter lynn pepper 5.5 or HQ Beamer IV 4.0 as a beginner kite in low(er) winds?
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Junior Member

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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 12:40 PM

i can fly 2 lined kites ( i am not a tottally newby...)
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Junior Member


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[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 02:04 PM

I'd go for the Beamer. It's a better size for a beginner, even in low winds, and it's a lot more recent. The first Pepper is a kite from 3 generations ago (Pepper II, Hornet, Hornet II is current), the Beamer only 1 generation ago (Beamer V is current).

Me: Dutch Flyboarder ... but not the kind you\'re thinking of.
Power: PL Vibe 1.8 (1.9 mod) - PL Vibe 1.9 - PL Vibe 2.3 - PL Hornet 2.0 - PL Twister 4.1 - PL Twister 5.6
Wind Range: Riding: 11 - 38 knots. Jumping: 12 - 21 knots.
Ride: Trampa (14ply 35deg channels)
Wants: PL Reactor II 6.9 - PL Impulse TR 3.0
Former gear: Libre Dragonboard Sirius - PL Guerilla 13 - Flysurfer Speed I 10 - Ozone Manta II 10
Homemade: PL Vibe 1.8 - Star 6.0 (Depower) - 3 Nasawings - Pixie 1.5 (fun foil) - Flowform 3.0 (slk) - Frog (laundry)
Dilemma: If you work, you have money for kites but no time to fly them. If you don\'t work, you have plenty of time to fly kites, but no money to buy them. Either way, we\'re all screwed... :)
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Mood: SAD! Moving and kites are in a box.

[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 02:52 PM

Dude, you have narrowed your choice down to a handful of great kites. You can't go wrong. You are wasting valuable flying time. Get flying!!

You are going to eventually own several kites and if you choose another direction in kites, you can always sell these at a reasonable price.

Now, go buy one and fly it! You won't regret it. Have fun. Be safe.

Todd... NAPKA US59 \"Have you taught a kid to fly lately?\"
Ozone 4m, 10m AccessXC
PL 19m, 16m Venom | 10m, 13m Venom II | 17m Vortex | 2.6m Viper | 2.3m Vapor | 6m, 9m, 15m Phantom | 22m Guerilla
Flysurfer 8m, 12m DLX Unity |8m Outlaw| 19m Speed 2.5 SA | 2.5m, 6m Viron
Action Vortex 6.6m Foil (FOR SALE) | Mac Bego 600
Flexifoil 1.2m, 2.4m Sting | 6.6m Blade III
The Original Flexifoil and Hawaiian Team Kite
Snow: Volant Alpine Skis | SnowBlades | PL Ice Buggy | PL KiteSled Land: Coyote Skates | Ivanpah Buggy
Water: Peter Lynn KiteCat
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Posting Freak


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Mood: Official Tough Mudder :D

[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 04:33 PM


... buy the Beamer... i'll just tell you... so you buy it and get you @ss flying!

Look at the peeps on this board.. i know of ONE guy that has 1 kite! (not a beginner kite, so dont ask :lol: ) Buy this one, learn what you like about it, what you dont... then ask us where to go from there!

Its an awesome kite, you'll love it... but on the weird, off chance you dont... you'll get your money back in a heartbeat if you sell it, because it is such a good kite!


PL: Twister II 5.6m, Phantom 15m / 12m, 10m Synergy, JIBE Viper 5.3m, Charger 19m
HQ: Montana 4 12.5m, Apex 3 5m
Flexi: Blade ViP, Rage 1.8m \"lil Pepi!\"
FlexiFoot Bug / FlexDeck / MBS Core 95 / Custom Carbon Fiber MTH \"Monster Door\"
Corsair Crash Test Dummy (QC Suervisor :lol: )
My most perfect days have been on Jekyll
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John Holgate
Posting Freak

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Mood: Cruising...

[*] posted on 20-6-2011 at 06:24 PM

Honestly, I think 5.5m is too much to static fly in all but the very lightest winds. Except if you're on sand - you can 'scud' through the sand pretty easily and it's ok on the ankles. On grass it will be too much of a fight which is not my idea of enjoyment. Even the four will give you a hell of a good workout and spank your a$$ if you don't respect it. Good buggy kites though....

Libre Vmax, Alloy Vermin buggy.
Ozone Access/Method/Riot/Imps/
Born-Kite Nasa Star 2's & 3. Born-Kite Long Star 3,5,7m. Peak 2 6m.
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