To anwer the question: they're very good for jumps. Just don't expect a lot of float from a 4 meter unless you're unusually light. I'm 180 pounds, if
i jump a Twister 4.1 (works from 16 knots), i get launched, go "wheeee", and prepare for impact. It pretty much drops me just as hard as i went up.
More then enough lift, it's just that this size doesn't have hangtime. I rather jump my 5.6 in less wind. I might not get launched as hard as the 4.1
does, but i do float a bit more.
The 7.7 is fun too. The II was rather slow to steer into the jump, but once it gets you airborn, you stay upthere for a decent while. The IIR should
be even better, the reduced bridles should help this beast accelerate faster, thus lifting even more. Should also shave of 1 or 2 knots in the lower
end since it has less drag. Haven't flown the IIR in this size yet though, so i can't say if the difference is significant.
Me: Dutch Flyboarder ... but not the kind you\'re thinking of.
Power: PL Vibe 1.8 (1.9 mod) - PL Vibe 1.9 - PL Vibe 2.3 - PL Hornet 2.0 - PL Twister 4.1 - PL Twister 5.6
Wind Range: Riding: 11 - 38 knots. Jumping: 12 - 21 knots.
Ride: Trampa (14ply 35deg channels)
Wants: PL Reactor II 6.9 - PL Impulse TR 3.0
Former gear: Libre Dragonboard Sirius - PL Guerilla 13 - Flysurfer Speed I 10 - Ozone Manta II 10
Homemade: PL Vibe 1.8 - Star 6.0 (Depower) - 3 Nasawings - Pixie 1.5 (fun foil) - Flowform 3.0 (slk) - Frog (laundry)
Dilemma: If you work, you have money for kites but no time to fly them. If you don\'t work, you have plenty of time to fly
kites, but no money to buy them. Either way, we\'re all screwed...