So i placed an order a while back, havent received it... checked Corey's site and found this...
Getting gear pales in importance to this kind of stuff. No worries on my order... it'll come when you get this all sorted out. My condolences go out
to you and your family. I'm truly sorry for your loss, hope all goes as well as it can for you and your family during this difficult time. Safe
PL: Twister II 5.6m, Phantom 15m / 12m, 10m Synergy, JIBE Viper 5.3m, Charger 19m
HQ: Montana 4 12.5m, Apex 3 5m
Flexi: Blade ViP, Rage 1.8m \"lil Pepi!\"
FlexiFoot Bug / FlexDeck / MBS Core 95 / Custom Carbon Fiber MTH \"Monster Door\"
Corsair Crash Test Dummy (QC Suervisor
My most perfect days have been on Jekyll