When someone is first starting to fly a 4-line kite, on a good kite, they should learn quicker because it was a good kite with good manners.
Starting them on a bad kite, it might hinder and slow their learning because they will have to deal with all the kites nuances, such as lufting,
wadding up, twisting, buckling etc. But will they become a better kite flyer because of it? Especially when they get a good kite?
If I start someone on a good kite, they say "yeah, this is easy...". And I think well...
My dilemma is when someone thinks they have an interest in kiting but are not sure, they are reluctant to buy a kite because they don't know. I have
someone who might want to learn and I'm tempted to let him learn on a 2m Pansh I got for free. It has odd flight characteristics..
Not use the "bad kite" as a trainer?
Sting 1.7, 2.4 - Flow 2, 3, 4, 5 - Reactor 2.2, 2.8, 3.5, 4.4, 5.5 - Yakuza 2.2, 2.7 - JOJO 9