I'm brand new to kiteboarding [on land] and already hooked! Great stuff. I got a 4m Ozone Flow for my first kite, and obviously I need a new kite.
I'm living in South Korea, and there is an Ozone distributor here, so I'm keen on sticking with Ozone for now. I've a question regarding getting a
new kite. I'm going to get the Ozone Access, but I'm unsure on whether to get the 6m or the 8m. Again, I already have a 4m fixed bridal. Also,
would it make sense for me to get a 5m Ozone Flow in addition to the Access and my current 4m Flow or is that too close in size to a 4m to make a
difference? Thanks in advance!
OBVIOUSLY you need a new kite if you've only got 1 ... or 10
Good choice with Ozone, I like their gear too ... I just prefer Peter Lynn cos he's a home-town boy for me :D
I think the 6 would be the next choice for you ... but it's been a while since I thought about fixed bridle landboarding :o
Have you thought about getting a turbo bar? It should work great with your Flow and will allow you to start using a harness. The safety releases
will be same for an Access so you won't have to learn that twice.
The first Access that I bought was a 10 meter, which might work for you in very low winds, especially since you don't have a low wind kite. Then you
can buy the 6 later on.
I don't know much about boarding, but over here in the UK you never see people boarding with an Access. Usually they like a kite with more lift, like
a Frenzy.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your input. Yeah I should have,included a little more detail. Im about 175lbs or 78kg. Winds have been quite low for the
most part, around 5-10mph but last weekend I was out in 10 to 20mph winds. The winds pick up here in the fall and as we get into winter. I have a bar
with a harness, although its not a turbo bar...just a standard bar.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your input. Yeah I should have,included a little more detail. Im about 175lbs or 78kg. Winds have been quite low for the
most part, around 5-10mph but last weekend I was out in 10 to 20mph winds. The winds pick up here in the fall and as we get into winter. I have a bar
with a harness, although its not a turbo bar...just a standard bar.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your input. Yeah I should have,included a little more detail. Im about 175lbs or 78kg. Winds have been quite low for the
most part, around 5-10mph but last weekend I was out in 10 to 20mph winds. The winds pick up here in the fall and as we get into winter. I have a bar
with a harness, although its not a turbo bar...just a standard bar.
I agree that the Frenzy will probably serve you better if you hope to advance to jumps.
10m is a good size for the winds you describe.
With a 4m and 10m depower I would think you would want a super low wind kite as a 3rd ? an 8 - 10m fixed bridle will fit in just under the 10m
depower. 4m is still a bit large for a higher wind than 10m kite but will be handy for teaching.
Don't be afraid of large kites. In many ways they are safer than small ones as long as you know your limits. Almost every spanking that is handed out
on land happens with small fixed bridle kites. Honest !
Bladerunner, are you saying that an 8-10m fixed bridal will fit between my 4m and a 10m depower kite or would the fixed bridal 8-10m be for even
slower winds than the 10m depower kite? 4m to 8m fixed bridal kite seems to be a pretty big gap. Is that right or does it just seem like a big gap?
I'll have to look into the Frenzy.
Yeah, to be honest, I am still a little leary of the larger kites, but I supposed that is natural. Makes sense what you said. Thanks much!
Ok, before I spend a crapload of money, real quick, what are your thoughts about which one of the following kites to purchase and which size? Again,
I currently have a 4m Flow, I'm 175 pounds/78kg, and wind is roughly 10mph now on average.
1. Ozone Access 8 or 10m
2. Ozone Frenzy 9 or 11m
3. Ozone Method (FB) 6.5m
I have the 6.5m Method and like it a whole lot - gets me going from about 7mph up to 15mph. But, that's in a buggy, and long (30m) lines in the
lighter winds. For 10mph and a landboard, I think the 11m Frenzy would be the best option. There are a few videos under 'kite skating' where
Spartan is jumping with his 9 & 11m Frenzy's. Also a vid of the 6.5m Method under the 'reviews' section.
I've only had a couple hour session with the 9m Frenzy but found it nice and grunty and easy to get along with.
Thanks much. Yeah, I'll be using my kites with a landboard. Do you think an 8m Access will be too small? Comparing to a fixed bridal kite, what might
the equivalence be with an 8m depowerable kite? Is there some general rule to follow? Also, since I'm new to kiting, would a Frenzy be a good kite? I
ask, because I keep reading reviews about how the Access is quite stable and good for beginners. Cheers!
An 8m too small in 10mph.... yeah, I think so. I had a 6m XC and it really needed 15mph to start to produce some pull.
Comparing FB's to depower - as far as the Method's go, my 6.5m can't quite hold a 9.5m Montana but is quite a bit faster than my 7.5m Apex. So, call
the 6.5m Method about an 8-9m Frenzy or 10m Access and we'll be in the ballpark. Mind you, a 4.5m Vapor left the 6.5m Method for dead which just goes
to show that there can be a huge difference between fixed bridles of the same size too.
The Access is pretty stable.....but I think the new Frenzy's are even more stable. True, the Frenzy is a bit more explosive and lifty, but we're only
talking around the 10mph mark and bigger kites are slower which gives you more time to react. My 4m Access XT demands my total attention in 25 knots
- it's quite fast and will punish me quickly if I take it for granted where as a large depower in light winds (and 10mph is pretty light) is quite
You wouldn't go far wrong with a 10m Access XT if you don't go for a Frenzy, but I think the 8's too small for a 10mph average.
Don't forget pads and helmet and practice releasing the primary safety (on whichever depower you get) because when you need to do it, you need to do
it instantly and not have to think about it and they're quick and easy to re-set.