Definitely insane! The minute mark you were talking about was totally nuts!
Love watching these guys!
Didn't that guys best friend die hitting a bridge? Pretty sure it was, they jumped together and he made it under the bridge, his buddy smacked right
into it!
Well at least they accept the danger and stare it right down!
HOLY GIANT FLYING SQUIRRELS BATMAN!!!!! I have though it would be great to try the suits but what these guys are doing is nuts. A sudden change in air
pressure or wind and its SPLAT.... Still pretty amazing to see what some people will do. Sign me up for the base jumping though....
go fly a kite trainer 1.4 m
thunderfoil 9 ft.
Flexi sting 1.7m
Ozone flow 2.0 m
PL Vapor 3.2 m
Ozone Flow 5 m
PLVapor 6.5 m
frenzy 14.0 m
I'm really do they get so close and NOT hit. I'm assuming they do a lot of math calculations and wind, etc. Or do they actually have
plenty of room but just change their flight characteristics in flight and at the last moment to make themselves get closer? Anyone know or care to
Crazy stuff though...Looks fun but I think I'll stick with kiteboarding
Flexifoil Blurr 2.5, Ozone Cult 3.5, Nasa Star 3 4.0 Ozone Yakuza 4.0, PL Reactor 4.9, JoJo RM+ 5.0, Ozone Method 5.0, Ozone Yakuza 6.0, Flexifoil
Blade IV 6.5, Nasa Star 3 7.0, PL Vapor 7.8, JoJo RX 8.0 (in route), Flexifoil Blade VIP 8.5, PL Vapor 9.4, Ozone Yakuza 10.0, PL Reactor II 10.8, PL
Vapor 16.1, PL Venom II 13, PL Charger 15, 19, Flysurfer Unity 12, Flysurfer Pulse 2 14, Flysurfer Speed 2 SA 19, Flysurfer Speed 3 21, MBS Comp 95
landboard, PL Folding buggy, PL XR+ buggy, Slingshot LFT, Lots of surfboards
I don't know for sure, but maybe the balloons are to mark his route, and give a visual as to what the wind is doing at that point? Maybe to also mark
where the photographer was? All I could think of was, man if he hit that guy, they both would have exploded!
Bob Lussier
OUTLAW KITER 1.4M Beamer III, 2M Beamer IV,2M
Toxic HQ , 7.5MApex III, HQ, Quadrifoil XXXL (9.66M), NPW5 2.4,4.8m,
NPW9 7.6M (BIGSISTAH),NPW9 12MGREENMONSTER(km4), P L Comp ST buggy,PL Bigfoot+
buggy, Atomic Alibi Snowboard, Protec Knee/Elbow Pads & Helmet, Seirus wristguards, Demon crash shorts, LaCross chest/shoulder pads.
(tryin\' to be safe!)
Larry, I know what video you're talking about, seen it a couple of times myself. There is also a video of the ski/parasail guys going through the same
spot! Totally nuts, miss that one by much and they scrape you off the rocks!