Usually when asked about buggying on the Outer Banks, I reply that conditions are not very good. That is true most of the time. The area is crowded
with tourists in the summer and the areas that are available have limited wind directions in which they can work. Our beaches work well when the wind
blows east, but a true ENE wind is not very common.
Jockey's Ridge is only available in guerrilla mode. Park rangers will not permit them, otherwise. In the winter, after a rain, the sand gets hard
enough to use with a standard buggy. And nobody wants to walk the dunes in a cold hard wind. Except for us.
When conditions are right, the riding can be good.
All buggying in the video done with a Peter Lynn ST on regular wheels.
Originally posted by BeamerBob
I like the 3d riding with the way the waves have shaped the beach.
The beach gets carved up in the winter. Jockey's is always 3d!
Originally posted by shortlineflyer
so they allow buggys in the winter
It's more of 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. :ticking:
Originally posted by lad
Neat! But..."guerrilla mode".... right across Kitty Hawk Kites on Croatan Hwy?
Rangers must be pretty mellow, or preoccupied, during the winter :duh:
It's a big park on a cold winter day. They probably are inside eating donuts.
Conditions are even worse at this end of the state. It's only do-able on a South wind and at low tide, otherwise forget it. That's why I gave up on
land boarding and sold my board last year.
Thanks a lot for posting this. I've always been very curious about buggying at Kitty Hawk since I spent a summer there during college. It's always
been a secret fantasy of mine to sell my ridiculously overpriced house here in London, retire there and spend my time buggying the beach and the
I hate to say it, but based on your description maybe it will have to remain a fantasy. . When I was there trying to learn to hang glide, I spent the whole summer hoping for a NE wind because that was the only time the dunes
were soarable. If I remember right, it didn't happen very often and if I had to wait for that again just to go buggying it would be a very
frustrating retirement indeed.
When you can go on Jockey's ridge, can you go all over it? Are there soft spots and/or steep hills that make some of it off limits?