Last summer my dad and I brought a Ozone Flow 5m kite to fly on the beach. But though we have been using the kite a lot, we can't unpack the kite
without the lines are twisted together?!? We need some tips! :D How do we pack/unpack the lines?
Also: If I want to fly without my dad, I can't unpack and launch the kite alone. How do I unpack - launch - pack the kite alone????
Kite/line packing can be a very individual thing. The biggest key is to unpack it exactly as you pack it in reverse. Hold the winder and unwind the
same way etc.. Otherwise it will introduce twists..
I think that is why the "sock method" works so well. By locking the handles together in the sock they do not cross each other up and get thru each
Using this format I usually leave the kite in the bag and than pull the lines out. Pread them to arms length and many of the twists will pull out..
Once the kite is on the ground on the brakes and under pressure the rest of them should fall out... Maybe 1-2 twists you have to remove by spinning
handles or kite..
Old Dual line Delta
NTK Techno - Todd
PKD BusterIII 2m - BigKid
PKD Buster Soulfly 3.3 - BigKid
PL Pepper2 8m - BigKid
Rev B full sail & full vent - Awindofchange
Rev Blast - WCRC attendee
Rev B midvent -
Rev SLE - BigKid
Originally posted by Wasd9595
Thank you for the fast reply! Ill try the method you linked to. I don't got that little back for the handles though.
I cannot see the video, so I do not know what little bag they are using. However, I would think finding a simple replacement would not be overly
difficult. A plastic bag would probably suffice, or something similiar. Add some cord, or rubber bands to secure it to your bars and keep it shut, and
After reading the tutorial properly, I saw, that it wasn't a bag - but a sock - Ive also been looking at "Parapacking". I think i will try the different techniques next time I'm on the field - Is this the same techniques that I use when I'm alone?
If you try parapacking the big key is to keep the handles completely separate from the lines in the bag. Use the kite as a divider. Put the lines on
one side and the handles on the other. If done properly it is one the quickest methods to pack and unpack. But most importantly its universal. So if
your dad puts the kite away and you happen to take it out the next time there will be no issue of unwinding the incorrect way. The sock method will
also help take out the guessing when you pull it out next session. In most cases people have their own method of packing and if someone else attempts
to take the kite out it will result in a huge mess.
If you parapack it is simple to launch by yourself. First thing you do is pull the handles out of the bag and stake them down by the brake loops or
drap them over the stake with more brake pulled than the power lines. Then walk backwards allowing the lines to come out slowly. When you get to the
end of the lines the kite will come out of the bag and you just open it up. Since it is staked by the brakes it will sit ready to launch. walk back to
your handles and launch.
I don't fly FBs much these days but IMO, you can't beat parapacking. While it looks like a mess its fast and I think its safer as the kite is the
last thing to come out of the bag after the handles have been secured. Just keep shaking the lines as you let out and address snags as you encounter
them before the kite is out of the bag, inflated and adding tension.
Thanks for all the advices! I have been looking around on youtube, and people is using different bags and stakes. Would it be stupid to buy these
A stake can be a tent stake for short term, but a nice kitestake is well.. very nice to have, and with the sheath it means you can pull up the stake
and easily keep it with you as you fly and be ready to stak teh kite anyplace you end up. No more looking atound for were it is.
Kites normally come with bags though, so not sure why you would want another? now once you get a few more kites you will likely want a single BIG bag
to haul them all around in..
I have 2m, 3m, 8m fixed bridals with handles, 19m Venom2/lines/bar, a mesh bag of lines/handles/misc, a bag with my harness, and a bag with my FB
flying bar all in my Coleman bag with room for at least 2-3 more 8m size kites left over.
Old Dual line Delta
NTK Techno - Todd
PKD BusterIII 2m - BigKid
PKD Buster Soulfly 3.3 - BigKid
PL Pepper2 8m - BigKid
Rev B full sail & full vent - Awindofchange
Rev Blast - WCRC attendee
Rev B midvent -
Rev SLE - BigKid
Originally posted by lamrith
Kites normally come with bags though, so not sure why you would want another? now once you get a few more kites you will likely want a single BIG bag
to haul them all around in..
I have 2m, 3m, 8m fixed bridals with handles, 19m Venom2/lines/bar, a mesh bag of lines/handles/misc, a bag with my harness, and a bag with my FB
flying bar all in my Coleman bag with room for at least 2-3 more 8m size kites left over.
It ain't "normal" bags. It is sand bags. To hold the kite to the ground
For a FB if you unpack with my method or the parapack method you should not "need" weight bags.
Staking the handles with brakes full on the kite will sit there, and you do not pull the kite out of the bag until after the handles are staked and
lines stretched out...
I fly 99% on grass and never need to use weight for that reason.
If your at the beach a couple handfulls of sand on the trailing edge is all you would need and it's free!:bigok:
Old Dual line Delta
NTK Techno - Todd
PKD BusterIII 2m - BigKid
PKD Buster Soulfly 3.3 - BigKid
PL Pepper2 8m - BigKid
Rev B full sail & full vent - Awindofchange
Rev Blast - WCRC attendee
Rev B midvent -
Rev SLE - BigKid
Originally posted by lamrith
I have 2m, 3m, 8m fixed bridals with handles, 19m Venom2/lines/bar, a mesh bag of lines/handles/misc, a bag with my harness, and a bag with my FB
flying bar all in my Coleman bag with room for at least 2-3 more 8m size kites left over.
Can you say "Intervention" .. :wee:
- some kites
- NAPKA KC97 - BMK Frankenbuggy
- Hand me down snowboard gear from my kid
- wife burned wallet ... LOL
I use a wrap method that I would put against parapacking any day and it results in tiny little kites I can put the 2.5 sami 3.5 ld and 4.5 ld all in
the my wifes big purse and my lines never get tangled because u wrap and unwrap holding the handles in one hand always and the kite keeps them
straight I will do a demo at nabx if anyone would like to see or video it
Kiting The Natural High
\"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always
long to return.\" Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by lamrith
I have 2m, 3m, 8m fixed bridals with handles, 19m Venom2/lines/bar, a mesh bag of lines/handles/misc, a bag with my harness, and a bag with my FB
flying bar all in my Coleman bag with room for at least 2-3 more 8m size kites left over.
Can you say "Intervention" .. :wee:
WAAAYYYY to late for that! I just added 3 Rev's to my quiver!:shocked2:
Old Dual line Delta
NTK Techno - Todd
PKD BusterIII 2m - BigKid
PKD Buster Soulfly 3.3 - BigKid
PL Pepper2 8m - BigKid
Rev B full sail & full vent - Awindofchange
Rev Blast - WCRC attendee
Rev B midvent -
Rev SLE - BigKid
Parapack all the way - only had one tangle (was hours to untangle I admit)
I am AGAINST parapacking. Not for me.... as you have no control of how lines will flow loose against each other. All the tangles I've ever had have
been because the lines were being pulled loosely against each other(RUBBING PARRALELL) forward or back against themselves in straight pulls..
I actually believe this method works 95% of the time...but not 100% ..and it's that one time I fear..(quote:"... hours to untangle...".-Yeesh!)
I LIKE TO WRAP NON-FIGURE EIGHT-A SIMPLE 'STRAIGHT' WIND. Takes a little longer than a figure eight wrap.
When I wrap my FB lines around handle....I alway orient the handles sideways(horizontal-parralell to ground) pointing in the same direction. The top
of handles point left, the bottom(brake line ends) to right( it could be opposite also of course-tops lay to right side, bottom of handles to left
side). I then roll it in the folded kite.
When I unwrap kite..... I pull winded line on handles from kite and hold it in the SAME sideways orientation I wrapped it up in- top of handles
laying (horizontal) to left. Now I unwind the lines (The line unwinds in opposite direction of way it was wrapped.)
All that is important is the handles are positioned the same horizontal direction-top of handles tilted horizontal to the same side of you when
wrapping or unwrapping.
NEVER have I got a tangle!
The only thing I ever get is a few line twists...often caused by how kite was unwrapped and not by the unwinding of the line. Line twists are simple
to undo w/ a few handle rotations.
*My method is admittedly awkward for figure eight wrapping( which may be more popular winding method) because the figure eight mauveur doesn't
lend it self to holding handles frozen in sideways position.
But this is how I do it...
Otherwise... the rule - "Alway hold in same hand when winding or unwinding" works does the, ' Unpack
and unwind the same way you wound it"
"Otherwise... the rule - "Alway hold in same hand when winding or unwinding" works does the, ' Unpack and unwind the same way you wound it""
I couldn't agree more. Regardless of whether you choose winding or parapacking, never rush. I've run into massive tangles with winding because my
flying time is usually limited to an hour or two, max, and in hurrying (trying to not walk the lines), I've totally hosed my entire session with a
knot disaster.
Parapacking allows me to be in a hurry and still unpack the kite in a few minutes. So I think that's the decision. If you're impatient, parapack
and be ready for the 5% tangle result until you get it down. If you're not, but want 0% tangles, wind, don't rush and don't screw it up (e.g. switch
hands, switch methods, twist/no-twist, etc...)
Don't forget about the sock and figure 8 method. shove handles into large tube sock, and start wrapping lines in a figure 8 on to the handles.
Keeps everything nice and clean.
You are never with out a pair of socks (unless you own an odd number of kites)
And when you sell gear, the new owner always e-mails you wondering about why you sent them socks!
What I ride, and fly
Custom KBSS Libre Hardcore with John Deer tires!
Ozone R1 11m, Ozone Summit 10ul, 15m ul
As a beginner I tried lots of packing methods and was forever annoyed by tangles and slow deployment/pack times.
Then I discovered parapacking on this forum and will never do anything else! The kite packs so much smaller and it never tangles...
Seemed sketchy the first time out but it was amazing how easy it came out of the bag. Ready to fly in under 5 minutes.
I do a slightly modified version of parapacking with my little 1m wing. I fold the kite corners in until about 2x3' and then cast the lines into a
pile on the kite. Then fold in half, roll and place in bag. It's too easy for lines to wrap around a small kite while banging around a bag - never had
one tangle with this method. Deployment is the same, just stake brake lines and walk downwind holding the rolled kite, everything just works
I parapacked for a while and liked it a lot. Now I wind the lines around the handles, only because it's quicker to pack up. Either way works great for