Yeah, I have a seperate system for keeping me in the bug, just looking for something to lock the kite to me, right now it's just a loop of climbing
rope with a pully on it and a standard strop setup through the pulley, I can release it by pulling the loop off of the hook on the harness, my main
concerns are it accidentally comming off when airbourn or tricking, and the potential of flipping and being dragged, with tension on the harness, I
don't suspect that I'd be able to unhook it properly.
For kite safety, I'll probably just get one of those bungy kk setups and run it from the brake lines of the kite to my harness. I've seen a couple
ways of doing this with out having loose dangely safety lines.
Some of the local windsurfers put me onto a local boat shop that apparently sells all the needed stuff for cheap.
Sysmic S1 Buggy.
0.7m / 1.4m / 2.0m PKD Buster I
4.4m PKD Buster
10m JoJo RM+
6m Flysurfer Outlaw
12m Ozone Access