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Location: peabody ma.
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Mood: pimp your buggies
man did we have the location today at nahant beach.yesterday they were coming in like rats,got a half hour in before i pack it we[dan
,brian,rick me] had almost half the beach ,it was cold e-n-e so everybody stade away .perfect parking spot ,smooth beach.iwas on 10 m frenzy sheeted
all the way in dan on 4 mjojo rm brian3.5 jojors rick on3.5 razor ozone.eariy bird gets the worm ,i started at 9-30 am didn't stop till3-30 i was
wicked tired.dan and brian rode till 4 pm and dan put on 65 miles WOW .some days you just don't know.tomorrow is an other day hoping its cloudy and
on shore.jens and mel you missed a great memorial day week end. miss ya.
libre v-max
pl comp ,mbs comp6
jojo, ozone,quadrifoil,ekko,skytiger
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Sounds like an awesome ride Paul! Any word on Dean? I'm worried about him and soon to put out an APB.
Ride together soon my friend.
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Mood: Serious Buggy withdraws!
Glad you guys had a wicked day! Shame more of us can't ride together more often! Love hanging and sharing beaches with you guys!
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Posts: 587
Registered: 21-1-2008
Location: peabody ma.
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Mood: pimp your buggies
no word on dean , tring to get this old body in buggy shape, yesterday was special.i'm sore all over.
libre v-max
pl comp ,mbs comp6
jojo, ozone,quadrifoil,ekko,skytiger