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Author: Subject: Kite for the Girlfriend?

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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 01:55 PM
Kite for the Girlfriend?

She's terrified of any of the kites in my quiver at the moment, she had a good session of static flying with the 13m VII once but it was extremely light winds. She doesn't want any lift to it. She would mostly use it with the buggy or on a snowboard. 15-20 mph wind range, 130 lb girl, what do you guys think?

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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 02:01 PM

U forgot the wind range.
Kristin is geting pretty comfortable with the VI-10m. She has used it in winds between maybe 10-25 mph and claims shes felt safe evey time. At the low end she has to work it but she makes it work. Riding BF lights on beach and grass.

FB - Flexifoil: Rage 2.5 | Gin Tonkawa 3.1/5.4/8.7
DP - Peter Lynn: Venom 8/10/13/16, Phantom 12
TUBES - North EVO 7/9/11/13, Dyno 15/18
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 02:06 PM

Sorry it got knocked off somehow. But oh okay cool, she also found it a little complicated to control everything. Which I'm sure shed be fine if she put the time in, but would there be a more beginner friendly one too? Also doesn't the VI have a fair amount of lift?

PL Venom 19m - PL Venom II 13m - FS Pulse 2 8m - HQ Scout II 4m
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 03:09 PM

Yes she will feel like its too complicatde at the beginning.

It was very frustrating for kristin at the beginnig, specially how to use the depower strap and how to relaunch after a crash. Its great now someone sees her crash the kite at a distance and are like "oh your gonna have to go and help" and my reply is "no watch this she's got it" she puts it in the taco position and relaunches without problem... All practice

Now about lift, evey depower can be lifty. I controlled properly that lift is "on demand" so far shes never been lifted by mistake.
I do think older arcs are the best for beginers for their auto zenith. She doesnt have to pay much attention to the kite and itll just float where its supposed to. Any other depower will not be nearly as stable.

Another option is fixed bridles but kristin prefers depowers. Not much strength needed and she can cruise all day. Hell even im affraid of fixed bridles, I feel more comfortable and safe on depowers.

*sorry for typos, typing on a phone

FB - Flexifoil: Rage 2.5 | Gin Tonkawa 3.1/5.4/8.7
DP - Peter Lynn: Venom 8/10/13/16, Phantom 12
TUBES - North EVO 7/9/11/13, Dyno 15/18
BOARDS - North Jaime | North Nugget | MBS Comp 95x | Burton Juice Wagon 157
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 03:30 PM


FB - Flexifoil: Rage 2.5 | Gin Tonkawa 3.1/5.4/8.7
DP - Peter Lynn: Venom 8/10/13/16, Phantom 12
TUBES - North EVO 7/9/11/13, Dyno 15/18
BOARDS - North Jaime | North Nugget | MBS Comp 95x | Burton Juice Wagon 157
BUGGY - Libre Truck II, Libre Full Race
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 03:49 PM

Yea I agree on the depower part. I guess I'd want something that has a good lowend too so she can take it out in next to nothing to get used to it. 5-25 if that even exists I know ARCs seem to not be very great on the low end usually. But youd suggest the 10 over like a V8 or a P6/9 or C8?

PL Venom 19m - PL Venom II 13m - FS Pulse 2 8m - HQ Scout II 4m
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 03:53 PM

Have you thought about nasa wings. They have tones of side pull and are great in gusty winds.

Susan (npw goddess)

PKD Brooza\'s 2, 3, 4 and 5.5 meter
Libre Bora\'s 6 and 7 meter
Libre stainless full race with standard and big foot light wheels
Nasa wings: npw5 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.7, 2.4, 3.1, 3.9, 4.8, 5.8, 6.9 meters
npw9 3.4, 5.3, 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 15.0 meters
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 03:55 PM

Been trying to get an VI/II8, 6/9 phantoms.
I think the 10 has an OK low end, the 8 may not be good until 15+.

Also you have to think that the 8m will be a really fast kite but never flown one myself. I can't recommend a 6-8 syn or 6-8charger; they are too fast IMHO.

FB - Flexifoil: Rage 2.5 | Gin Tonkawa 3.1/5.4/8.7
DP - Peter Lynn: Venom 8/10/13/16, Phantom 12
TUBES - North EVO 7/9/11/13, Dyno 15/18
BOARDS - North Jaime | North Nugget | MBS Comp 95x | Burton Juice Wagon 157
BUGGY - Libre Truck II, Libre Full Race
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John Holgate
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 04:45 PM

5m Apex II or 3m Nasa wing. Both dead easy to fly and right in the pocket for those wind ranges. Or 3-4m low aspect Fixed bridle.

Going for an arc first up seems a bit like jumping in at the deep end....?

edit: see you have the Scout in the quiver....would have thought that would have been pretty close to the mark......

Libre Vmax, Alloy Vermin buggy.
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 06:01 PM

I think a 3 meter npw9 would be a good size or maybe a 2.5 meter in higher winds. What kind of surface would you be buggying on.

Susan (npw goddess)

PKD Brooza\'s 2, 3, 4 and 5.5 meter
Libre Bora\'s 6 and 7 meter
Libre stainless full race with standard and big foot light wheels
Nasa wings: npw5 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.7, 2.4, 3.1, 3.9, 4.8, 5.8, 6.9 meters
npw9 3.4, 5.3, 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 15.0 meters
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[*] posted on 7-6-2012 at 07:39 PM

In higher winds an 8m VI or VII can be a very quick kite and thereby develop lots of grunt. I learned to fly arcs on an 8m VII and it was a hard lesson. I was not ready for how quick the kite was and for how much power it can develop because of its speed. It wasn't long after that I was told to start with a bigger arc in lighter winds. That is when things started going much better for me.

Some of my son's friends that we have been working with love arcs and are afraid of the FB's. We get some very punchy gusty wind up here which can surprise you at times.

I have been meaning to try an NPW but have not gotten around to getting one yet.

I have also seen some good video and heard some good things ....gulp.....dare I say it......about the new Pansh Adam. It is a FB kite that is closed cell. From threads I have read and videos I have watched it looks like a pretty impressive kite that can handle the gusts. It is pitched as a water kite on handles. I think it would be a hoot to give one a whirl on a Ozone Turbo Bar.......great in a buggy, skis, atb......and very reasonably priced right now. I have not seen or heard anything as to the loftiness of the Adam.

If your plan is to stay with arcs only in your quiver adding a 10m Venom or a 10m Vortex would be good choices. The Vortex was designed with the beginner in mind and is very stable and very predictable.

so depending on where you want your quiver to go...... 10m Venom/Vortex......NPW (Susan and John above can point you in the right direction with these) or give the new Pansh Adam a whirl.......
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[*] posted on 8-6-2012 at 05:53 AM

The buggying would be on grassy fields. Yea the quickness of the kite is another thing. Thats why she doesn't like the scout too much. It has decent pull, but not enough to do much unless in a good amount of wind, and then it moves really fast too. What would the difference be between a 2.5/3 Nasa and the Scout?

Yea goof I love taking the V19 out on a 10-12mph day, its loads of fun and anyone can fly it safely. But those good days are few and far between around here. Its either 5-10 or 15-25, where 5-10 you can't get any of my arcs going (can use the scout) and 15-25 can be scary on the 19, its good for the 13 though.

PL Venom 19m - PL Venom II 13m - FS Pulse 2 8m - HQ Scout II 4m
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[*] posted on 8-6-2012 at 07:00 AM

Sounds like the Nasa Wing is the way to go for you.....

I know John has a vid up with him testing the Nasa Star 2 and I got to watch Susan fly her Nasa wings often at NABX.

I don't know if you have seen Susan's work here on the forum but she has posted many of the Nasa Wings she has made......

Phreerider even grabbed a Nasa Wing and went for a cruise on his ATB.....

Here is the Nasa Star 2. John can give you much more feedback on that one.....it is a Nasa wing on a depow bar.....

Here is phree on a Nasa Wing at NABX....

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[*] posted on 8-6-2012 at 08:05 AM

Originally posted by OmniSmurfZ
What would the difference be between a 2.5/3 Nasa and the Scout?

I have not flown foils for over 5 years now, just nasa wings so the only thing I know about the scout is what info I can find on the net. I can tell you that I fly nasa wings as a four line kite with handles. You can fly with any lengh line set. It is a great kite for inland gusty winds and has kept me safe for many years now.

Susan (npw goddess)

PKD Brooza\'s 2, 3, 4 and 5.5 meter
Libre Bora\'s 6 and 7 meter
Libre stainless full race with standard and big foot light wheels
Nasa wings: npw5 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.7, 2.4, 3.1, 3.9, 4.8, 5.8, 6.9 meters
npw9 3.4, 5.3, 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 15.0 meters
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[*] posted on 8-6-2012 at 08:39 AM

Do you remember how much wind there was at that time Goof?

PL Venom 19m - PL Venom II 13m - FS Pulse 2 8m - HQ Scout II 4m
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[*] posted on 8-6-2012 at 09:40 AM

The day Phree was flying the NPW was a fairly low wind day. It was one of those "sucker" wind days out at NABX.

I think it was in the 5 to 10 range......It was also the day I saw the most NPW's out flying......

I was very impressed that Phree got moving with that wing.......

I think BR was out on his coyotes with a Nasa wing that day too.....
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[*] posted on 8-6-2012 at 09:55 AM

Longer lines in both cases would have had them powered even better. At the fairgrounds where I ride sometimes, I am able to put longer lines on the same kite and get a better ride, i.e. more power for the same kite. I am restricted to shorter lines at the beach I ride, by the narrow beach.


Bob Lussier

1.4M Beamer III, 2M Beamer IV,2M Toxic HQ , 7.5MApex III, HQ, Quadrifoil XXXL (9.66M), NPW5 2.4,4.8m, NPW9 3.4M(HQ),NPW9 7M (RASTA\'S FURY), NPW9 7.6M (BIG SISTAH),NPW9 12MGREENMONSTER(km4), P L Comp ST buggy,PL Bigfoot+ buggy, Atomic Alibi Snowboard, Protec Knee/Elbow Pads & Helmet, Seirus wristguards, Demon crash shorts, LaCross chest/shoulder pads. (tryin\' to be safe!)
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[*] posted on 9-6-2012 at 10:47 AM

Thanks for all the help guys, I've decided to go with a Susan NPW! =)

PL Venom 19m - PL Venom II 13m - FS Pulse 2 8m - HQ Scout II 4m
PL Radical Seat Harness
MBS Core 95 - PL ST Buggy
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